Services and structure

The central board of the FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation consists of six Directorates-General and six Staff Directorates and Directorates.

Budget and Management Control Support Directorate (B&B)

The FPS is committed to meeting its legal obligations on these invoices, such as timely payment. This promotes a good professional relationship with suppliers, which will not adversely affect their liquidity and financial management. It also avoids any late payment interest and damages.
  1. Last updated on

The FPS will apply, insofar as possible, the anticipated payment period, as stipulated in the legislation on public procurement and the Act of 2 August 2002 on combating late payment in commercial transactions.

Procedures are being developed internally to make this as efficient, effective and safe as possible. Thanks to these procedures, for example, any errors and, in extreme cases, fraud are detected in a timely manner.

Tips for suppliers that will help ensure smooth processing and prompt payment of invoices:

  • Respect our general terms and conditions
  • Always state the order number on the invoice
  • Send an invoice only after the services have been rendered


Order forms: General terms and conditions

1. Acceptance of an invoice or credit note

Legal notices

  • The nature of the document must be explicitly mentioned by stating "invoice" or "credit note"
  • The invoice or credit note number
  • The reference or structured communication to be used with the payment
  • The document date
  • The amount and monetary unit
  • The company number
  • If applicable, the reason for non-subordination to VAT or exemption from VAT
  • The clear description of the goods, services or works
  • Full identification of the supplier / service provider / contractor: full name, full address, postcode, city or municipality, name of a contact for the goods, services or works in question
  • Full identification of the supplier / service provider / contractor's bank account: the IBAN and SWIFT (BIC) code


Other formal mandatory requirements

  • The invoice must be legible
  • The invoice must be sent in 1 original copy to the unique billing address (see point III)
  • The invoice should clearly state the order form number and the name of the person who made the order
  • A credit note should always refer to the original invoice

Consequences of the lack of a mandatory entry or an error in it, it is not possible to approve and/or pay the invoice. The invoice is rejected.


2. Information related to the FPS Foreign Affairs

Billing address

You can send your invoices as follows:

The invoice should be sent only ONE time, in the chosen version.


Deliveries must be addressed to the contact listed in the purchase order.

Contact for all questions regarding your invoice

FPS Foreign Affairs VAT identification number for intra-community transactions: