Services and structure

The central board of the FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation consists of six Directorates-General and six Staff Directorates and Directorates.

Directorate-General for Personnel and Organization (P&O)

The Directorate-General for Personnel and Organization (P&O) has the primary goal of providing structure and support in its areas of expertise to achieve the management objectives of the FPS.
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The Directorate-General for Personnel and Organization (P&O) has the primary goal of providing structure and support in its areas of expertise to achieve the management objectives of the FPS. In doing so, it contributes to promoting fundamental public values such as social responsibility, integrity, and professionalism, which in turn contribute to sustainable prosperity and well-being.

The mission of P&O mainly involves continuously improving personnel policy, with a focus on regulation, recruitment, training, competency development, and workplace well-being. Special attention is given to diversity, inclusion, attractiveness, innovation, and workplace well-being.

A second important aspect of this mission is ensuring the necessary resources to support the organizational and logistical development of the FPS, including the management of buildings in Belgium and abroad.

In this context, it is important to consider the specific characteristics of the FPS, such as a workforce of more than 3400 employees, approximately two-thirds of whom work abroad under various statutes (foreign careers, expatriate contractual employees, and locally hired contractual employees), with a high turnover rate. Additionally, the FPS manages more than 300 buildings abroad, which are either leased or owned.

P&O consists of 5 directorates:

  • P&O 1: Strategic Projects and Communication
  • P&O 2: Competency Management & Career Guidance
  • P&O 3: Financial and Administrative Management of Personnel
  • P&O 4: Well-being
  • P&O 5: Building and Logistics Management