
You can have Belgian nationality legally or voluntarily. You can also lose your Belgian nationality. This section will provide you with further information.

Nationality certificates

On this page, you will find all the information concerning nationality certificates.
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Where can you request a nationality certificate in your name?

If your principal residence is in Belgium (with registration in the population register), the municipal services are authorised to issue a nationality certificate.

If your principal residence is abroad, the consular offices where you are registered in the consular population register are authorised to issue you with a nationality certificate.

If you are not registered in the population registers of a Belgian municipality or a Belgian consular office, there is no authorised body that can issue a nationality certificate in your name.

Who can obtain a consular nationality certificate in your name?

In line with article 45 of the Civil Code, the following persons and bodies may obtain a consular nationality certificate in your name:

  • you, as the person whose name is on the certificate,
  • your spouse,
  • your legal representative,
  • your blood relatives (ascending or descending lines), 
  • the notary and lawyer of the aforementioned,
  • all Belgian public authorities.

(A consular nationality certificate may also be issued to the surviving spouse and the successors).