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If you are a Belgian citizen and you live abroad, then you can always contact a civil-law notary, official or agency with local jurisdiction for any procedures relating to property, family law and inheritance.
Based on the principle of 'Belgian interest', Belgian consulates outside the European Union are permitted to draft notarial deeds in the same capacity as a civil-law notary in Belgium.
If you are a Belgian citizen living in a country outside the European Union, you may also apply to the Belgian consular post provided that you are registered in the consular population register of that consulate.
The Belgian consul may refuse to act as a civil-law notary if a legal or factual difficulty prevents him or her from doing so.
In this case, it is best to discuss with your civil-law notary in Belgium what alternatives are available for drawing up a deed (of power of attorney) executed before a civil-law notary.
Since 2020, it has also been possible to draft a digital power of attorney via an internet connection directly with the civil-law notary in Belgium.