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Overseas Social Security (OSS)
What is the OSS?
Overseas Social Security (OSS), a department within the NSSO (National Social Security Office), offers voluntary statutory Belgian social security coverage to European nationals working as self-employed or salaried expatriates outside Europe. This is the continuation of Belgian social protection outside the EEA.
With the OSS, expats continue to build up their pensions, are insured for loss of income in case of illness and accident and are entitled to reimbursement of their medical expenses anywhere in the world.
The offer is divided into
- a basic package, such as pension, disability/invalidity insurance and deferred medical care insurance;
- a number of supplementary insurances, such as medical care and accident insurance.
What does this mean?
A Belgian expat can further build up his retirement thanks to which the career will be complete at the end of his career. If he fails to do so, there may be an interruption in his professional career, having to work a bit longer before being entitled to a pension in Belgium.
Medical expenses
If a Belgian expat gets ill abroad, we will reimburse his expenses up to 75% of the total amount. If an expat goes to visit family or friends in Belgium and gets ill, he can count on reimbursement of the expenses incurred according to the NIHDI rates (RIZIV-INAMI). The Overseas Social Security picks up where the protection of the Belgian national health insurance stops.
If the Belgian expat returns to Belgium after his career abroad, he is automatically reinstated in the Belgian social security system without any waiting period.
More information?
Address: Victor Hortaplein 11, 1060 Brussels
Tel.: +32 2 509 90 99
E-mail: overseas@rsz.fgov.be
Expats flyer - Some things are hard to leave behind (PDF, 942.04 KB)
Brochure - Your partnership with OSS (PDF, 6.99 MB)
Living, working or studying abroad? Everything you need to know about retaining your Belgian social security entitlements can be found on the Belgian social security website
Since 22 April 2010, anyone living, working or studying abroad can visit the social security portal to find out which Belgian social security entitlements he or she can retain. From now on, Belgian citizens can request information in an interactive way about their social security entitlements while abroad.
The FPS Social Security, the Crossroads Bank for Social Security (CBSS) and e-government partner Smals have developed an interactive application for the "Leaving Belgium" section of the portal.
How to do it?
The citizens only have to fill in their nationality, destination, status and the topic on which they want more information. They will then immediately receive an overview of the Belgian social security entitlements they may still retain while abroad.
What information?
Belgian citizens can request information on a range of subjects, including child allowance, pension, reimbursement of medical costs, unemployment benefit, compensation for work incapacity and the payment of social security contributions, etc.
Who is it for?
The application is aimed at employees, self-employed, civil servants, frontier workers, seconded staff, retirees, students, etc. It is not intended for people going on holiday abroad or for people coming to live, work or study in Belgium.
This unique concept for requesting such information was developed in cooperation with the Public Social Security Institutions, which provided the information for the application.
For more information, please visit the website of the FPS Social Security