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Today, Belgium is sending 760,000 masks to Conakry via the emergency aid mechanism B-FAST. In doing so, our country is responding to the request for aid that Guinea submitted to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) as part of the fight against COVID-19. Like the rest of the world, Guinea has been affected by the pandemic. However, the health situation is further complicated by a measles epidemic, an epidemic of yellow fever and recently also some new Ebola infections which together put an enormous strain on the medical facilities. Belgium wishes to express its solidarity with the Guinean population, which is undergoing a great deal of suffering.
Through the FPS Public Health, our country is donating 600,000 surgical masks and 160,000 KN95. For your info: Belgium has 10.2 million FFP2/KN95 and 147.9 million surgical masks. The FPS Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with a private partner, is providing the transportation of the masks by charter flight to the Guinean capital Conakry. For the cost of transport, B-Fast can count on a partial subsidy from the European Union.
The FPS Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation coordinates this shipment of B-FAST, a mechanism in which, in addition to the Prime Minister's Office, the FPS Public Health, Defense, the FPS Interior and the FPS Bosa are also involved for logistical and administrative support. For more information on the B-FAST mechanism: B-FAST.
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