Belgium supports the ICRC’s action in Syria with a contribution of 2 million euros

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Belgium is supporting the activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Syria with a contribution of 2 million euros, in response to the organization's 2020 call for contributions for the country. The ICRC's action is essential and its neutral and independent humanitarian approach, in accordance with the mandate given by the States, makes it a key player in the protection and assistance to the populations affected by the conflict in Syria.

The Belgian contribution will be used in particular to support activities related to the protection of civilians, the respect for the law, the protection of persons deprived of their liberty and those related to the health sector. The neutral, independent and impartial action of the ICRC in the area of assistance and protection is considered by Belgium to be essential for improving the living conditions of the population affected by the conflict.

This Belgian commitment is in line with our country's continued support for the humanitarian approach and the recognized organizations that put it into practice. This support has been relayed during Belgium's mandate as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. Belgium has systematically defended the action of humanitarian actors in the Syrian conflict, notably through our position as co-penholder of the resolution on the humanitarian dimension of the conflict.


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