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The central point of contact is a body responsible for facilitating the reporting of abuse within Belgian development cooperation. The Central point of contact is competent to treat reports of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment (SEAH) within Belgian development cooperation. It is not competent to treat reports of fraud or corruption.
If you wish to report an incident of abuse, you must first address the reporting point of the concerned organization.
Please report your abuse if:
- you have already contacted the reporting point of the concerned organization and have not received a response;
- the concerned organization has not processed your report;
- if you consider that there is a conflict of interest within the reporting center of the organization.
If you simply have a question for the administration or a complaint regarding the workings of the Federal Public Service for Foreign Affairs, please use the appropriate contact form.
Royal Decree of 28 February 2023 on integrity in Belgian development cooperation (PDF, 221.18 KB) (in French and Dutch)