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If you wish to have legalised a digitally signed document and/or a document in electronic format:
The issuing authority of the electronic document (e.g. the municipality or the notary) will directly submit your request to our services via the eLegalisation website. At the time of your request on the online platform, the accredited partner concerned will provide us with your email address. As a first step, you will receive an email with the online payment request (standard cost of 20 euros per legalisation or apostille). Upon receipt of your payment, a second mail containing a link to the document bearing the electronic legalisation or apostille will be sent to you. This type of request is treated within 24 hours.
The Legalisation service of the FPS Foreign Affairs only legalises documents issued in Belgium. For documents issued abroad, you can obtain all relevant information regarding the competent authorities from the Belgian embassies and consulates abroad