Numerous State Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court are mobilizing to defend its independence and integrity

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Belgium, alongside Slovenia, Chile, Jordan and Senegal, coordinated a draft statement in support of the International Criminal Court (ICC). This text, drafted in New York by the legal advisers of the Permanent Missions to the United Nations, has been signed by 94 of the 124 States parties to the Rome Statute of the ICC. This number might still grow.

With this statement, the signatories recall the determining role of the ICC in the “international peace and security architecture”. In addition, they call on all States to cooperate with the Court so that it can fulfill its mission of providing justice to all victims of crimes of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression, these “grave crimes that threaten the peace, security and well-being of the world”.

The ICC is threatened daily by attacks of various nature, including cyber-attacks. Its staff is also in a situation of insecurity, with certain elected magistrates being threatened with sanctions and even targeted by foreign arrest warrants.

These are serious and unacceptable attacks on the independence and impartiality of the Court, fundamental principles and values ​​enshrined in the Rome Statute which created more than 25 years ago this permanent and unique international justice institution with a universal vocation.

The ICC plays a fundamental role in the fight against impunity. The Court must be able to act and carry out its functions independently, without interference. This is why the States Parties which created it could not remain indifferent and had to react following such attacks.

Belgium, whose unwavering support for the ICC is manifested through political, judicial and financial support, is convinced that such a mark of support will strengthen the Court as well as respect for international humanitarian law (IHL). IHL remains too often violated and these violations cannot go unpunished. The force of justice is also preventive.

Read the declaration (PDF, 138.73 KB)

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