Economic diplomacy
Economic diplomacy is therefore one of the basic missions of the FPS Foreign Affairs, and in particular of its Directorate of Economic Interests (B3), which plays an important coordinating role between the various actors involved in the definition and implementation of economic diplomacy, both at federal and regional levels.-
What is economic diplomacy?
Economic diplomacy plays an important role for Belgium, which is one of the largest exporting countries and among the most globalised countries in the world.
Economic diplomacy in the Belgian institutional context
According to the repartition of competences within the Belgian constitutional framework, economic diplomacy falls within the competence of federal and regional actors, as well as parastatal bodies.-
Economic diplomacy in the Belgian institutional context
According to the repartition of competences within the Belgian constitutional framework, economic diplomacy falls within the competence of federal and regional actors, as well as parastatal bodies. Since the state reforms of 1988, 1992 and 2002, the focus of foreign trade - an important dimension of economic diplomacy - has been at the regional level.
International transport
The International Transport Policy Directorate of the FPS Foreign Affairs (B4) deals with issues related to international transport and traffic.-
International transport
The International Transport Policy Directorate of the FPS Foreign Affairs (B4) deals with issues related to international transport and traffic, in collaboration with the relevant services of the FPS Mobility and Transport, Defence, the private sector and business organizations, the European institutions, our foreign interlocutors, and of course our diplomatic missions abroad. It contributes that way to the positioning of Belgium as a major logistic hub and to the development of our ports, airports and transport companies.
Bilateral investment treaties
The purpose of bilateral investment treaties is to protect the investments of Belgian companies abroad against arbitrary government action.-
Bilateral investment treaties
The purpose of bilateral investment treaties is to protect the investments of Belgian companies abroad against arbitrary government action. These treaties are reciprocal. On the one hand, they give Belgian companies an increased degree of protection abroad and, on the other, they attract foreign investment into the Belgian economy. Belgium always concludes its investment treaties with Luxembourg within the framework of the Belgium–Luxembourg Economic Union.
Due diligence
At the initiative of EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders, the European Commission launched a legislative initiative on sustainable corporate governance in 2020: the ‘Initiative on Sustainable Corporate Governance’.-
Due diligence
At the initiative of EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders, the European Commission launched a legislative initiative on sustainable corporate governance in 2020: the ‘Initiative on Sustainable Corporate Governance’.
Export financing (Finexpo)
Finexpo is an inter-ministerial advisory committee managed by the Directorate financial support to exports (B2) within the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation and by the Administration of the Treasury of the Federal Public Service Finance.-
More information about Finexpo
Finexpo is an inter-ministerial advisory committee managed by the Directorate financial support to exports (B2) within the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation and by the Administration of the Treasury of the Federal Public Service Finance. It is chaired by the Director General of Bilateral Affairs of the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs and the Vice-Chairmanship is held by the Federal Public Service Finance. It is made up of representatives from Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, Development Cooperation, Finance, Economy, Budget, Credendo and the Regions.
Types of aid (tied, untied and commercial)
These aid instruments contribute to concessional financing of targeted export operations. Concessionality means that public buyers in developing countries do not have to repay the full amount of the loan at market conditions. Finexpo allows the buyer longer repayment terms, lower interest rates and/or a grant.
In this section you will find the description and procedure of the following instruments, namely a tied loan from State to State, a mixed credit or a loan from State to State combined with a commercial credit, a grant, an interest bonification with or without a grant, technical assistance, an innovation instrument for SMEs, a renewable energy instrument for SMEs, an untied loan from State to State, and an interest stabilisation.
Finexpo documents
Consult all Finexpo documents here.
Export possibilities per country
This application helps you to determine the export possibilities for a particular country.