Export financing (Finexpo)

Finexpo is an inter-ministerial advisory committee managed by the Directorate financial support to exports (B2) within the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation and by the Administration of the Treasury of the Federal Public Service Finance.

Types of aid (tied, untied and commercial)

These aid instruments contribute to concessional financing of targeted export operations. Concessionality means that public buyers in developing countries do not have to repay the full amount of the loan at market conditions. Finexpo allows the buyer longer repayment terms, lower interest rates and/or a grant.
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Exporters can apply for tied aid in the form of

  • a mixed credit; that is, a State to State loan with a commercial credit;
  • a grant;
  • a grant for technical assistance;
  • an innovation instrument for SMEs;
  • an interest rate bonification with or without a supplementary grant.

These aid instruments contribute to concessional financing of the intended export operations. Concessionality means that public buyers in developing countries do not have to repay the full amount of the loan at market conditions. Finexpo allows the buyer longer repayment terms, lower interest rates and/or a gift.

In addition, Finexpo supports Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) in the form of untied aid. Only untied loans from state to state qualify for this.

Tied aid from Finexpo means that Finexpo grants export credits or supports them on "soft terms", provided that the exporters in question are Belgian. Untied aid therefore does not have to involve Belgian exporters.

Finally, exporters can apply for interest stabilisation on a commercial credit. Interest stabilisation guarantees a fixed interest rate for the entire period of project financing, i.e. the drawdown period and the repayment period. This instrument is valid for any exporting country, provided that the risk of the country in question can be insured via Credendo.