About the Special Evaluation Office

Our evaluations have three objectives: to report on the use of public funds, to draw lessons and to support policy-making. Read more about our missions, collaborations and history.


The Special Evaluation Office cooperates with various actors and is a member of several national and international organisations.
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The Special Evaluation Office cooperates with various actors, such as policy makers (government, Parliament), government departments, especially DGD (Directorate General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid), the Belgian Development Agency Enabel, the Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries (BIO) and the federations of non-governmental  and institutional actors (ngo-federatie, ACODEV and Fiabel).

The Special Evaluation Office is a member of various national and international organisations to increase the quality of evaluations and promote the sharing of information and knowledge.

  • OECD DAC EvalNet - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development – Development Assistance Committee
  • MOPAN – Multilateral Organization Performance Assessment Network
  • EUHES  - European Union Heads of Evaluation Services
  • DACH group - network of German-speaking evaluators
  • VEP - Vlaams EvaluatiePlatform

The SEO also cooperates with peers in international organisations (bilateral and multilateral) to share knowledge, carry out joint projects and conduct joint evaluations.


The Special Evaluation Office