- Planning, execution and follow-up of evaluations. These evaluations may concern any form of aid, by any instrument, organisation or channel financed or co-financed by the Federal State.
- Accountability to the Parliament and the public opinion on the policy pursued and the use of funds.
- Drawing conclusions from evaluations and formulating recommendations that can be used optimally to improve or adjust development cooperation policy.
- Participating in international joint evaluations and in activities to support the evaluation capacity in partner countries.
- Provide technical support to the Directorate General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD).
- Harmonise and certify the evaluation systems of the actors of the Belgian Development Cooperation.
Note: the evaluation is not an audit.
The audit focuses on respect for the regulations and procedures. The evaluation stresses the practices and the achievement of results and attempts to explain why certain interventions work well and others do not.