Evaluation reports: archive

All evaluation reports of the Special Evaluation Office can be consulted and downloaded from 2005 onwards. External experts are used to carry out the evaluations.


Evaluation reports of the Special Evaluation Office - 2018
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Evaluation of inclusive and sustainable entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector in Benin

his country evaluation was launched during the preparation of a new cooperation programme in Benin in 2018. The purpose was to draw lessons about the effectiveness and added value of an integrated approach from a sample of interventions.  

A mapping of the Belgian expertise should identify opportunities for future programming aimed at inclusive and sustainable entrepreneurship. 

Evaluation of the support of the Belgian Development Cooperation to the private sector

This evaluation focused on the Strategic Policy Note ‘Belgian Development Cooperation and the local private sector’ of 2014. In particular, the evaluation aims to identify the support Belgian Development Cooperation has provided to private sector development (mapping), to assess the relevance of the strategy, its implementation and the results achieved, as well as to draw lessons for the ongoing reflections on the strategy. 

Impact Evaluation of the Belgian University Development Cooperation

The main objective was to examine the evaluability of the Belgian university development cooperation. The second objective was to analyse and interpret the impact of the Belgian university development cooperation on the basis of a sample of interventions in Benin, Ethiopia and Vietnam.  

The scope included longterm partnerships between academic institutions (2000-2014), as well as individual scholarships (2008-2016) by two umbrella organisations VLIR-UOS and ARES. 

Evaluation of development education actions financed or co-financed by the Belgian Development Cooperation between 2014 and 2017

This evaluation aimed to better understand the effectiveness of development education actions and possible ways to improve their effectiveness. The results can feed and support reflections on future education programmes. 
In the first phase audiovisual productions, short actions and events were evaluated, in the second phase projects and multi-annual programmes of NGOs were examined.