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The Special Evaluation Office has the pleasure to invite you to the restitution meeting of the evaluation of the Belgian strategy for humanitarian aid. The meeting will take place on Thursday 20 October 2022 from 2 to 5 pm in room DR08 (Egmont 1, Rue des Petits Carmes 15, 1000 Brussels). Participants can also connect remotely. Prior to the meeting a welcome lunch is planned for 1 pm.
The evaluation examined how Belgium's humanitarian aid strategy, and in particular its geographic and thematic principles and priorities, was implemented between 2014 and 2021. The evaluation also looked closely at the projects and programmes funding instruments. The aim is to draw lessons to improve the impact and effectiveness of future Belgian humanitarian aid interventions.
The external expert (ADE) will present the conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation, followed by exchanges on the recommendations.
The presentation of the conclusions and recommendations will mainly be in English. The discussion will take place in three languages: English, French and Dutch.
The registration to attend in-person has been closed. Those already registered via the registration link do have their place. Kindly inform the Special Evaluation Office if you can no longer attend in-person. People can still register to follow the meeting online (Teams) and ask questions.
Register here: bit.ly/RestitutionHumanitarianAid
The final report will be available here.
13h00: Welcome - Lunch
14h00: Introduction by the SEO
14h05: Word by the cabinet of Minister Kitir
14h10: Presentation by ADE (conclusions and recommendations)
14h40: Exchange on the recommendations
Engagement in protracted crises (R2, R5)
Rapid response in acute crises (R3)
15h45: Break
16h00: Exchange on the recommendations
Priority setting in a revised humanitarian strategy and efficiency of Belgian actions (R1, R4, R6, R7)
16h50: Closure by the DGD and the SEO
Please, confirm your attendance before the 13th of October 2022.