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The 21st of January 2021 the Special Evaluation Office organized a webinar in partnership with OECD, ACODEV, Fiabel, ngo-federatie and Enabel on the use of the OECD Development Evaluation Criteria.
These criteria were adapted to better meet the new development landscape and the needs of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Their aim is to determine the merit, worth or significance of development interventions.
The webinar gathered around 150 staff members from different government agencies, NGOs and other actors within the development sector who were able to share their experiences and gain new insights.
Megan G. Kennedy-Chouane (OECD-DAC EvalNet), Hilde Herssens (DGD), Geraldine Ladriere (Enabel), Michaela Boyen (Rikolto), Yves Chaineux (Union des Villes et Communes de Wallonie (UVCW)) and Fanny Polet (Viva Salud, KIYO and ngo Solidagro) shared experiences about the use of the criteria in the field. The speakers stressed out that the evaluation criteria should not be applied mechanically, but should be adapted to the context of the intervention.
Read the detailed report on the webinar here (PDF, 571.11 KB).
The presentations of the speakers:
You can find more information about the DAC criteria in our yearly report 2020 in Dutch and French.