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Mission of the Protocol
The Protocol Directorate, led by the Director of Protocol, provides guidance for the good conduct of the official relations between the foreign diplomatic representations established in Belgium on the one hand and the Belgian State on the other. It also directly manages a number of matters relating to the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic Relations (1961) and Consular Relations (1963), as well as the 'headquarters agreements' concluded between Belgium and the international organisations which are established or have a representative office in Belgium.
These matters include issues relating to diplomatic privileges and immunities on the one hand, and strictly protocol affairs in general on the other.
The Protocol is also responsible for receiving foreign dignitaries and is an important facilitator in the process of the supervision of their safety and the (external) security of the foreign missions. Moreover, it plays a role in the procedure of granting and recognising nobility titles and honorary distinctions in the National Orders and is responsible for organising international conferences and managing the infrastructure of the Egmont Palace and the CCEgmont Conference Centre.
The Protocol Directorate consists of a Coordination and General Management unit (P0.0), which is responsible for a number of administrative and logistical matters, and three departments (P1, P2 and P3):
- Department P1 "Privileges and immunities", is responsible for the good conduct of the official relations between the foreign diplomatic missions in Belgium on the one hand and the Belgian State on the other hand, ensuring the correct application of the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic Relations (1961) and the Consular Relations (1963), as well as the 'headquarters agreements' concluded between Belgium and the international organisations established in Belgium or having a liaison office in Belgium.
- Department P2, "Visits and Events management", is responsible for receiving foreign VIPs in the context of State visits or official visits and for the practical organisation of these visits, with the Department P2 acting as a coordinator, including for security aspects, with the responsible Belgian authorities. The Department is also in charge for the ceremonial aspects of these visits and of official Belgian events.
- Department P3, "Nobility and Honorary Distinctions”, plays a role in the procedure of granting and recognising nobility titles and honorary distinctions in the National Orders.