National Orders

The FPS Foreign Affairs is responsible for awarding distinctions in the national orders to deserving foreign citizens and Belgians living abroad.


The certificate is a document drawn up in Dutch, French or German, which is signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
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The certificate is a document drawn up in Dutch, French or German, which is signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

For a Belgian or foreign beneficiary, it is the official confirmation of the award of a distinction in the National Orders.

The document is drawn up on the basis of certified true copies of the Royal Decrees sent by the various departments.

In accordance with Article 12 of the Royal Decree of 13 October 2006 establishing the rules and procedure for the award of honorary distinctions in the National Orders, the Minister of Foreign Affairs draws up a certificate as an attest of the award to the beneficiary. The certificate is sent to the relevant public service, which transfers it to the beneficiary.