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The award of a title of nobility by the King expressly requires the co-signature of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. In practice, the Nobility and Honary Distinctions Department acts as a secretariat for the two specialised bodies that provide advice to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who in turn reports to the King:

1° The Consultation Commission for awarding titles of nobility and high-level honorary distinctions (Royal Decree of 31 January 1978, BOJ 26 May 1978, as amended by the R.D. of 10 February 2003, BOJ 14 February 2003);

 The Council of Nobility (Royal Decree of 27 February 1996, BOJ 9 March 1996, as amended by Royal Decree of 16 December 1999, BOJ 14 February 2000).

In addition to this core task, this department is also responsible for advising the Minister of Justice in cases of name changes and for managing the Heraldic Fund and a specialised library.


If you wish to obtain certificates of nobility, please send an email to the following address:

In addition to the language (Dutch or French) in which you wish to obtain the certificate, please the following in your email:

For a personal certificate:

  • The full name
  • All names
  • Identification number in the National Register.

For a birth certificate:

  • The full name of the child
  • All first names of the child
  • Date and place of birth of the child
  • The full name and first name of the father
  • Identification number in the national registry of the father
  • The full name and first name of the mother
  • Identification number in the national registry of the mother
  • Date and place of parents' civil marriage