Consular publications
Find our consular publications here.-
Consular publications
Here you will find the sheet, the brochure and the pocket book on Reis Wijs, the brochure on the Schengen visa and the brochure on support for Belgian detainees abroad.
Thematic publications
Find our thematic publications here.-
Thematic publications
Here you will find the anti-corruption guide for Belgian enterprises overseas and the brochure "Art in the Belgian embassies".
Brochures about Belgium
Find our brochures about Belgium here.-
Brochures about Belgium
Here you can find the brochure Belgium at a glance.
Discover our FPS
Discover our brand-new brochure.-
Discover the FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation
Want to know more about our FPS? Discover our brand-new brochure.