Popular services

Travel advice
In this section you will find all the important information when travelling abroad.
Travel documents
To travel abroad, you need to be in possession of official travel documents. 
For Belgians abroad
On this page you will find all consular information if you are Belgian and live abroad.
Embassies and consulates
On this page you will find the addresses of Belgian embassies and consulates abroad, as well as the addresses of foreign embassi...
Applying for a passport
On this page you will find all the information about the application procedure for a Belgian passport.
The Protocol Directorate plays a role of facilitator in the official relations between the foreign diplomatic representations es...
In Highlighted, we explore in depth various policy areas of the FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.
World Bank entrance hall in Washington with flags of different countries. Slogan on wall: Our dream is a world free of poverty