Iran - Risk of arrest, arbitrary detention and unfair trial

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on Belgian nationals visiting Iran to leave the country as soon as possible in view of the increased risk of arbitrary detention in the light of the current deterioration of the security situation throughout Iran.

All Belgian visitors, including bi-nationals, are at high risk of arrest, arbitrary detention and unfair trial. This risk also applies to people who are simply visiting Iran for tourism. In the event of arrest or detention, respect for fundamental rights and the safety of individuals are not guaranteed.

In this context, the capacity of the Belgian embassy in Tehran to provide consular protection to nationals arrested or detained in Iran is very limited. Moreover, consular visits are not allowed in the case of a bi-national, as Iran does not recognise dual nationality.

In addition, consular presence at hearings during a possible trial is not guaranteed and the detainee does not have access to a lawyer of his choice. The lawyer may also be subject to severe constraints.

Belgian nationals, including those with dual nationality, are therefore strongly advised against travelling to Iran for any reason. Belgian nationals who, despite this warning, are currently in Iran, are invited to be extremely vigilant and to take the necessary precautions to ensure their safety. Recently, a Belgian national and several other Westerners were arbitrarily arrested and are currently imprisoned in Iran. Belgians and dual nationals are asked to return as soon as possible. They are strongly advised to limit their movements within the country, to avoid any type of gathering and to make themselves known to the Belgian Embassy in Tehran by registering on the Travellers Online website


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