Policy areas
In today’s globalised society, no single development or issue can leave us indifferent, and international cooperation has become more crucial than ever. The FPS represents Belgium in several international organisations and in different parts of the world.-
In Highlighted, we explore in depth various policy areas of the FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.
Human rights
Find more information on the definition of human rights, institutions working for human rights and specific topics.
Peace and security
Conflict prevention, peacebuilding and peacekeeping are key components of Belgium’s policy on peace and security. However, its policy in this area is about much more than just these elements. Promoting peace and security requires an overall multidimensional approach in different areas, such as the fight against terrorism, and non-proliferation and disarmament. With specific regard to non-proliferation and disarmament, Belgium played an especially active role in the adoption of the Convention on the Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Mines, and more recently in the signing of the convention banning cluster munitions.
Striving for global solidarity
Find here more information about the environment, the management of the international economy, energy, raw materials, asylum and migration, food security and aid effectiveness.
Coordination of European affairs
In Belgium, the Directorate-General Coordination and European Affairs (DGE) of the FPS Foreign Affairs is responsible for preparing, defining, representing, managing and following the European policy.-
Coordination European affairs
In Belgium, the Directorate-general European Affairs and Coordination (DGE) of the FPS Foreign Affairs is responsible for preparing, defining, representing, managing and following the European policy.
Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
From 1 January to 30 June 2024, Belgium hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (the "Council").
The Directorate-general European Affairs and Coordination
In this section you find more information about the Coordination of the European policy and the representation of Belgium, but also the organisation chart and the annual report on the activities of the EU.
The policy of Belgium within the EU
In this section you learn more about the policy of Belgium within the European Union.
Services to the citizens and European training
In this section you will find more about SOLVIT, scholarships and Europe Direct.
Transposition of European directives
This page provides more information on the transposition of European directives.
Conference on the Future of Europe
The Conference on the Future of Europe is a citizen-driven series of debates and discussions, in which people from all over Europe can share their ideas and help build our common future. This conference is unique of its kind: large-scale, Pan-European and democratic. It will provide a new forum for open, inclusive and transparent consultations with citizens on a number of key priorities and challenges.
Economic diplomacy
Economic diplomacy plays an important role for Belgium, which is one of the largest exporting countries and among the most globalised countries in the world.-
What is economic diplomacy?
Economic diplomacy plays an important role for Belgium, which is one of the largest exporting countries and among the most globalised countries in the world.
Economic diplomacy in the Belgian institutional context
According to the repartition of competences within the Belgian constitutional framework, economic diplomacy falls within the competence of federal and regional actors, as well as parastatal bodies. Since the state reforms of 1988, 1992 and 2002, the focus of foreign trade - an important dimension of economic diplomacy - has been at the regional level.
International transport
The International Transport Policy Directorate of the FPS Foreign Affairs (B4) deals with issues related to international transport and traffic, in collaboration with the relevant services of the FPS Mobility and Transport, Defence, the private sector and business organizations, the European institutions, our foreign interlocutors, and of course our diplomatic missions abroad. It contributes that way to the positioning of Belgium as a major logistic hub and to the development of our ports, airports and transport companies.
Bilateral investment treaties
The purpose of bilateral investment treaties is to protect the investments of Belgian companies abroad against arbitrary government action. These treaties are reciprocal. On the one hand, they give Belgian companies an increased degree of protection abroad and, on the other, they attract foreign investment into the Belgian economy. Belgium always concludes its investment treaties with Luxembourg within the framework of the Belgium–Luxembourg Economic Union.
Due diligence
At the initiative of EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders, the European Commission launched a legislative initiative on sustainable corporate governance in 2020: the ‘Initiative on Sustainable Corporate Governance’.
Export financing (Finexpo)
Finexpo is an inter-ministerial advisory committee managed by the Directorate financial support to exports (B2) within the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation and by the Administration of the Treasury of the Federal Public Service Finance.
International institutions
Belgium has always maintained that global challenges can only be overcome in a multilateral framework.-
United Nations (UN)
The United Nations (UN) is an international organisation founded in 1945. Belgium is one of the 51 founding members of the organisation, which today has 193 member states.
International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF)
Created in 1970 in Niamey, the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) today comprises 88 states, full members, associate members and observers, all of which share the French language.
Regional institutions
This section is about the Council of Europe, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
Financial and economic institutions
Find out more about the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Financial Stability Board, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid
You have probably heard of development cooperation. Every citizen contributes to development cooperation: through taxes, through private sector initiatives or through a donation to a good cause. Here is an overview of why development cooperation is done, how it is done efficiently and more about the work of Belgian Development Cooperation.-
Coopération au développement et Aide humanitaire
Vous avez probablement entendu parler de la coopération au développement et de l’aide humanitaire. Chaque citoyen contribue directement ou indirectement à la coopération au développement et à l’aide humanitaire: par ses impôts, par des initiatives du secteur privé, par un don à une organisation caritative ou du bénévolat. Un aperçu de la raison d'être de la coopération au développement, de son efficacité et de son travail.
Qui sommes-nous ?
Nous sommes la Direction générale de la coopération au développement et de l'aide humanitaire (DGD), connue du public sous le terme générique de "Coopération belge au développement". Depuis 2002, nous faisons partie intégrante du département gouvernemental des affaires étrangères, du commerce extérieur et de la coopération au développement.
Outre les 14 pays partenaires de la coopération gouvernementale, d’autres pays bénéficient également du soutien de la Belgique. Un aperçu de nos actions.
Un aperçu des différents thèmes sur lesquels se concentre la Coopération belge au développement. La Coopération belge au développement préfère intervenir dans des secteurs où une expertise a été développée et où des résultats utiles ont été obtenus.
Acteurs et partenaires de la Coopération belge au développement
Les partenariats de la Coopération belge au développement et de l’aide humanitaire sont nombreux. Gouvernementaux, non-gouvernementaux ou organisations multilatérales, découvrez leurs spécificités.
Résultats et évaluations : comment mesurer l’impact de nos actions ?
La direction générale Coopération au développement et Aide humanitaire mesure l’effet de ses actions à différents niveaux. Dans les pays partenaires bilatéraux, la coopération belge souscrit aux cadres de résultats des pays partenaires.
World regions
Find out more about the different world regions and their relations with Belgium.-
Sub-Saharan Africa
Find out more about Belgium's relations with Central, West and East Africa, Southern Africa and the African Union.
Asia and Oceania
Find out more about Belgium's relations with Asia and Oceania.
Central Europe
Find out more about Belgium's relations with the Baltic States, Bulgaria, Romania and the Višegrad countries.
Latin America and the Caribbean
Find out more about the partnership and cooperation, recent developments and perspectives, and bilateral relations with Belgium in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Middle East and North Africa
Find out more about relations between Belgium and the Middle East and North Africa.
North America
Find out more about relations between Belgium and Canada, the United States and Mexico.
Western Europe
Find out more information about Belgium's relations with Andorra, Austria, the Benelux, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, the Norwegian countries, Portugal, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Vatican City.
South-Eastern Europe
Find out more information about Belgium's relations with Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.
Interministerial Committee for Host Nation Policy
A Host Nation Policy (HNP) is a national strategy defined and implemented towards international governmental organisations which have HQ’s or a representation (mission, liaison office…) in Belgium, in order to to have them feel welcome and valued.-
Interministerial Committee for Host Nation Policy
A Host Nation Policy (HNP) is a national strategy defined and implemented towards international governmental organisations which have HQ’s or a representation (mission, liaison office…) in Belgium, in order to to have them feel welcome and valued.
The Interministerial Committee for Host Nation Policy (CIPS in French) is in charge of the implementation of the host nation policy (NHP) of the Belgian authorities towards the international governmental organisations (IO’s).
Structure and personnel
Structure and personnel of the Interministerial Committee for Host Nation Policy.
Short history
History of the Interministerial Committee for Host Nation Policy.
General information note
On this page you will find the general information note about the Interministerial Committee for Host Nation Policy.
Model seat agreement
On this page you will find the Model seat agreement of the Interministerial Committee for Host Nation Policy.
Main seat agreements and treaties
This page gives an overview of the main seat agreements and treaties.
List intergovernmental organizations with seat or representation in Belgium
This page gives an overview of the intergovernmental organizations with seat or representation in Belgium.
FAQ about the Interministerial Committee for Host Nation Policy
On this page you will find the frequently asked questions about the Interministerial Committee for Host Nation Policy.
Find more information on treaties here.-
How does a treaty come about?
Treaties are international legal agreements which are usually concluded in writing between States or other subjects of international law with a view to regulating their mutual relationships, irrespective of the name given to it, such as treaty, agreement, convention, or protocol.
Treaties for which Belgium serves as depositary
Belgium serves as depositary for the Benelux treaties (intellectual property, trademarks, acquisition visas, designs), various subjects, energy, Eurocontrol, the European Communities, nuclear energy, waterways, the Western European Union (WEU), customs treaties and maritime law treaties.
Treaties database
Consult the treaties database from 1987 here.