Open Data

Open data is data that can be freely used, reused and redistributed (commercially and non-commercially) by anyone: private individuals, organisations, educational bodies, companies, … Legal basis: Law on the re-use of public sector information (transposition of the directive 2013/37/EU).

Please find below an overview of the data made available free of charge by the FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.

For more information on open data and data sets of other institutions, please visit the federal open data portal

Dataset Link Ref
Addresses of Belgian Embassies and Consulates abroad Link (html) ABAC
Addresses of foreign Embassies and Consulates in Belgium Link (html) AFAC
Legalisation of documents Link (html) LEDO
Press releases and speeches Link (html) PRCS
Consular fees Link (pdf) COTA
Mobile biometric equipment in the posts Link (PDF, 72.91 KB) MBEP
List of Belgian embassy or consulate competent for visa application Link (PDF, 348.4 KB) BMCV
List international organisations with seat agreement Link (PDF, 549.25 KB) LIOS
Which country do you wish to export to? Link (html) ETOC (Official Aid by the Directorate-general Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid) Link (html/csv) OAID