Want to know more about our Federal Public Service? Discover our brand-new brochure.
The FPS is headed by two Ministers. They are responsible for Belgium's foreign policy.-
Minister Bernard Quintin
Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs and Foreign Trade and the Federal Cultural Institutions.
Minister Frank Vandenbroucke
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health, in charge of Development Cooperation and Major Cities Policy.
Services and structure
The main administration of FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation consists of six directorates-general and six staff directorates and directorates.-
Services and structure
The central board of the FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation consists of six Directorates-General and six Staff Directorates and Directorates.
Directorate of Security (SV)
The "Directorate of Security" (SV) reports directly to the Chairman of the Executive Committee and is responsible for the security policy of the FPS, the objectives of which are the protection of 1) Belgian citizens abroad; 2) FPS personnel and infrastructure in Brussels and abroad; 3) the confidentiality of information. The Directorate is also an important interface with Belgian security actors (VSSE, Defence including ADIV, NCCN, CUTA, etc.) and coordinates the contribution of FPS within the National Security Council. It works in a coordinated manner and in close cooperation with all FPS directorates and services involved in the same missions.
Directorate General for Bilateral Affairs (DGB)
The Directorate General for Bilateral Affairs (DGB) defends Belgian interests in and in respect of other countries.
Directorate-General for Consular Affairs (DGC)
The Directorate-General for Consular Affairs (DGC) provides support and guidance to Belgium's consular sections abroad.
Directorate-general European Affairs and Coordination (DGE)
The Directorate-general European Affairs and Coordination is responsible for the preparation, definition, representation, management and follow-up of Belgium's European policy.
Directorate General for Multilateral Affairs and Globalisation (DGM)
The Directorate General for Multilateral Affairs and Globalisation (DGM) is responsible for promoting and defending Belgium's foreign policy with regard to multilateral issues and the CFSP.
Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD)
The Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD) looks after the various aspects of Belgian Development Cooperation. DGD falls under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Development Cooperation.
Directorate General for Legal Affairs (DGJ)
The Directorate General for Legal Affairs (DGJ) has a general advisory function in all areas of the law relating to the remit of the FPS Foreign Affairs.
Communication (COM) directorate
The Communication (COM) directorate strives to propagate the image of our FPS, and by extension that of Belgium.
Protocol directorate (P)
The Protocol manages the privileges and immunities of the international diplomatic community in Belgium, the official visits of prominent foreign dignitaries, the Egmont Palace and its conference centre, and the nobility titles and honorary distinctions.
Directorate-General for Personnel and Organization (P&O)
The Directorate-General for Personnel and Organization (P&O) has the primary goal of providing structure and support in its areas of expertise to achieve the management objectives of the FPS.
Budget and Management Control Support Directorate (B&B)
The FPS is committed to meeting its legal obligations on these invoices, such as timely payment. This promotes a good professional relationship with suppliers, which will not adversely affect their liquidity and financial management. It also avoids any late payment interest and damages.
Staff Directorate Information and communication technology (ICT)
The ICT staff directorate is responsible for everything related to IT and telecommunications support for the core tasks of FPS Foreign Affairs.
Our commitments
The commitments of the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.-
Commitments of the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation
On this page you will find our commitments.
Mission and goals
Learn more about the mission and objectives of our FPS.-
Mission and goals
More information on our FPS's Strategic Plan 2021-2024.
Annual reports
Consult the various annual reports of our FPS.-
Annual reports
Consult here all the annual of our Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.
Publications and multimedia
Find all publications and multimedia of our Federal Public Service here.-
Consular publications
Here you will find the sheet, the brochure and the pocket book on Reis Wijs, the brochure on the Schengen visa and the brochure on support for Belgian detainees abroad.
Thematic publications
Here you will find the anti-corruption guide for Belgian enterprises overseas and the brochure "Art in the Belgian embassies".
Brochures about Belgium
Here you can find the brochure Belgium at a glance.
Discover the FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation
Want to know more about our FPS? Discover our brand-new brochure.
Belgian Art & Diplomacy
Find out more about Belgian Art & Diplomacy and its publications and exhibitions here.-
Belgian Art & Diplomacy
What is Belgian Art & Diplomacy?
Mission statement
Mission statement of Belgian Art & Diplomacy.
Positioning, collection profile and collaboration
Positioning, collection profile and collaboration of Belgian Art & Diplomacy.
The art collection and collection management
The art collection and collection management of Belgian Art & Diplomacy.
The collecting policy of Belgian Art & Diplomacy.
Loan of works of art
The loan policy of Belgian Art & Diplomacy.
An overview of the exhibitions of Belgian Art & Diplomacy.
Specific services
In addition to promoting Belgian interests in the world, which is a key aspect of Foreign Affairs’ core business, providing assistance to those in need of it is one of the main tasks of the FPS.-
Belgian First Aid and Support Team (B-FAST) is the Belgian government's rapid intervention structure that provides emergency assistance in the event of disasters abroad at its own request, provided there is no armed conflict, if the affected country is no longer able to organise proper assistance itself.
Egmont Institute
The Egmont Institute is an independent think-tank based in Brussels. Its interdisciplinary research is conducted in a spirit of total academic freedom.-
Egmont Institute
Go to the official website of the Egmont Institute.
Public procurement
Publicprocurement.be is the public procurement portal of the Public Procurement Service of the Federal Public Service for Policy and Support in cooperation with the Public Procurement Service of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister.-
The federal e-Procurement service aims to digitise public procurement processes and transactions by means of Internet applications.