
The evaluation reports of the Special Evaluation Office (from 2005 up to now) are available here. The Directorate General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD) and other actors involved, such as Enabel, BIO and non-governmental actors, provide a response to the conclusions and recommendations of each evaluation. These are called management responses and are published together with the report.

The evaluation reports are also accessible in the database of the DAC Evaluation Resource Centre (DEReC). DEReC collects evaluations from all development agencies worldwide which are members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC). With over 3,000 reports, DEReC is a comprehensive and unique resource that gives evaluators, policymakers, researchers and the general public access to development results in various forms and contexts.

The Special Evaluation Office manages its own evaluations, follows up on evaluations in cooperation with different actors and provides support to other evaluations.