In Highlighted, we explore in depth various policy areas of the FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. We distinguish these broad categories: people, planet, economy, peace and security, cooperation, services abroad and the corona crisis.
Here you will find topics related to education, health, nutrition, gender, human rights, social protection, etcetera.-
Practical classes for agricultural excellence
Ugandan agriculture teacher Mbaziira Hadadi attended training provided by the Belgian VVOB. Henceforth, "Mr Soil" will provide more practical classes designed to deeply engage his students. Good teachers are crucial, particularly in a country where many young people face unemployment and look to agriculture for opportunities.
Global citizenship education: learning to think critically for a more just world
Our FPS has developed a new vision for global citizenship education. Critical thinking about the world is central. Because only when we dare to question our own views – of the world, the economy, etc. – can we build a truly more just and equal world, averse to paternalism and white saviourism.
Belgium responds quickly to Mpox outbreak in Africa
Belgium has donated 20,000 vaccine doses and is investing 2 million euros to contain an outbreak of Mpox in Central Africa. Furthermore, the Belgian Development Agency Enabel will redirect almost 2 million euros towards the response to Mpox. After all, no one is safe until everyone is safe.
Belgium leads assessment of the World Health Organization (WHO)
As a member and president of MOPAN – a network that seeks to strengthen the effectiveness of international institutions – Belgium helped to assess the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO maintains its leading position among global health institutions, but it could raise its profile and needs more guaranteed funding.
Belgium is working tirelessly for an independent and impartial International Criminal Court
Belgium has always been an active supporter of the International Criminal Court. After all, the world needs an independent and impartial Court with jurisdiction to try war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and crimes of aggression. As a member of the Bureau of the Assembly (2024-2026), Belgium can carry even more weight in supporting the Court in its mission.
Belgium fights human trafficking
Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery. It erodes democratic values and human dignity. This is why Belgium – together with the UN – is committed to eliminating all forms of human trafficking from the world, including sexual exploitation and forced labour.
Belgium puts education at the forefront
During the Belgian EU presidency, we organised two events on education in the Global South. For as crucial as education is, progress remains sluggish. We hope to turn the tide with new initiatives, innovative funding and fresh ideas.
'We can only be healthy in Europe if everyone is’
The Belgian EU presidency has placed health at the centre of attention and has continued to build robust health systems in Africa. Belgium is especially committed to equitable access to high-quality healthcare services and products, including the production of high-quality vaccines and medicines.
Belgium will not abandon Afghan women
After the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in 2021, Afghan women have been suffering hard times. Belgium supports (female) journalists, women's rights militants and uneducated orphan girls there.
Let us stop the next pandemic today
‘Global health is no longer merely an issue of development assistance, but rather an area in the common interest of all countries.’ This is what Minister Caroline Gennez and Minister Frank Vandenbroucke, among others, write in an opinion piece on the occasion of the EU's new global health strategy, completed under the Belgian presidency.
Burundi: transformative masculinity in a tolerant society
Those who pursue gender equality must also break through entrenched ideas around toxic masculinity: dominance, aggression and so on. In Burundi, among other places, Belgium is successfully challenging stereotypes. Women are getting more recognition, ex-combatants better understand where their violent behaviour comes from…
AfricaMuseum: core player in decolonisation
Our former colleague Bart Ouvry has been heading up the AfricaMuseum since 2 May 2023, where he is continuing to build upon the path of renewal and decolonisation. How will he accomplish that? We had a conversation with him.
WikiTropica: Wikipedia for tropical diseases
From now on, health workers and students from South-East Asia and the Global South will have a unique tool for accurately diagnosing infectious and tropical diseases: WikiTropica. The Institute of Tropical Medicine launched the platform in collaboration with 12 international institutions.
Europalia 2023: Georgia, fascinating melting pot of East and West
Europalia will put the fascinating Georgian culture in the spotlight this autumn. An ideal opportunity to get to know this relatively unknown country on the border of Europe and Asia better.
Support and protection for human rights defenders in Africa
Without respect for human rights, the SDGs cannot be achieved. This is why Belgium is supporting NGOs like DefendDefenders and Protection International to stand up for human rights defenders in Africa.
CGIAR: towards resilient and sustainable food production in 2030
CGIAR is a network of international agricultural research institutions. It aims to transform food, land and water systems through research and innovation by 2030, taking into account the climate crisis. Belgium has been a loyal funder for many years.
Millets: promising crops for food production, job creation and climate adaptation
For 2023, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) is promoting millets - which include millet and sorghum - as nutritious, healthy, climate-resilient and environmentally-friendly crops. Also the Belgian development agency Enabel is paying attention to millet and sorghum. In Senegal, for instance, it wants to encourage the production and processing of these crops.
Training in Niger – women must play their part in society
With financial support from our FPS, the Egmont Institute organised a training programme for 10 women from Niger in senior management positions within various ministries. The training will enable them to be an even stronger role model to convince women in Niger to step out of their comfort zone and realise their goals.
The healing power of medicinal plants borne out in Vietnam is confirmed
In tandem with Hanoi University, Prof. Muller (ULiège) has scientifically examined the ancient knowledge on medicinal plants in Vietnam. Upshot: several extracts turn out to have clear anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-fungal properties.
The Met returns precious medieval charter to Belgium
On January 26, 2023, the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) returned a unique charter of Philip of Alsace, Count of Flanders in the 12th century, to Belgium during a ceremony at the Egmont Palace (Brussels) in the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Lahbib and State Secretary in charge of Science Policy Dermine.
VLIR-UOS makes universities in the South perform better
Long-term collaboration by Flemish universities with a university from a poorer country is a real formula for success. As a result, the Cuban Universidad de Oriente was among those that grew into a high-performing institution that was also able to provide assistance during the corona pandemic.
Belgium plays its part in ensuring respect for human rights worldwide
On 1 January 2023, Belgium will become a member of the UN Human Rights Council for 3 years. But what exactly does the Human Rights Council do? And what will be our country's priorities?
Belgium wants a world without the death penalty
Belgium aims to achieve a world where there is no death penalty, both in times of war and peace, because the death penalty is a serious violation of human rights and human dignity.
Egmont Institute: 75 years of cross-fertilisation between research and policy
For 75 years, the Egmont Institute has supported Belgian foreign policy as an independent think tank and conference organiser. After all, sound policy needs a critical eye.
Arolsen Archives keep memory of Shoʾah alive
Belgium concluded its presidency of the Arolsen Archives, a centre for documentation, information and research on the persecution by the Nazi regime, at the end of June 2022. It is essential to preserve the testimonies from that era and continue to raise public awareness.
5 years of SheDecides: because women's rights are fundamental human rights
In May 2022, Brussels celebrated 5 years of SheDecides. The movement stands up worldwide for women's right to make their own decisions about their bodies, their lives, their future. Belgium was at the forefront of the movement in 2017.
A holistic approach to reducing poverty
The aim of SDG 1 is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere by 2030. SOS Children's Villages approaches this goal from a multidimensional view of poverty as well as from the perspective of children.
Belgian children translate UN recommendations into accessible language
Belgian children have translated the UN's recommendations on children's rights in Belgium into understandable language. Unique in the world! Moreover, 5 of them presented their project to the experts of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva.
Belgium managing UN drugs policy
The UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs is dedicated to the problems of drugs. In December 2021, Belgium took over the one-year chairmanship of the 65th commission, a first. One of the focus points concerns better access to pain medication.
Improved drinking water and sanitation in Mali
The need for drinking water and sanitation around the world remains high. In Mali, the Belgian Development Cooperation is making considerable efforts to improve drinking water and sanitation. Local expertise is helping it to do this.
The forgotten terror of Eastern Congo
L'Empire du Silence (Empire of Silence) is currently being screened in cinemas. This film by Belgian director Thierry Michel shows unflinchingly the horror and complexity of the lingering conflict in Eastern Congo. The Belgian Development Cooperation co-financed it.
Research project into the segregation of metis starts new phase
Our FPS recently concluded a cooperation agreement with the State Archives regarding a comprehensive historical study of the role of authorities in the treatment of metis during the colonial period in the Belgian Congo and in Ruanda-Urundi. An important step towards more awareness of a painful and lesser known part of our colonial history.
EUROPALIA: how art connects people and communities
The EUROPALIA biennial is to host dozens more artistic and socio-cultural events until May 2022. The theme this time is trains and tracks. But did you know that the FPS Foreign Affairs has been a loyal partner of the event for many years?
Belgian street art in Mumbai
Our Consulate General in Mumbai (India) is introducing Indians to some impressive Belgian street art.
The Institute of Tropical Medicine strengthens cooperation with the DR Congo
On 20 October 2021, the Belgian Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) signed a headquarters agreement with the Congolese government allowing the establishment of an official ITM department in DR Congo. The sum of 5.6 million euros has also been allocated to the ITM to continue its work with the DR Congo in the fight against sleeping sickness.
Expert in space dust wins the Christoffel Plantin Prize
This year, the Christoffel Plantin Prize went to Dr Veerle Sterken, who is doing pioneering research in Switzerland into dust particles in space. The prize honours a Belgian who is little known to us, but who is clearly contributing to the image of Belgium abroad.
Belgium working to eliminate violence against women
25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Combatting violence against women is an absolute priority in Belgium's foreign policy.
International Year puts fruit and vegetables in the spotlight
Fruit and vegetables should be on the menu more, says the UN in this International Year. In Tanzania, Rikolto is supporting an entrepreneur who brings high-quality fruit and vegetables from small farmers to Dar es Salaam.
Sustainable cities for a sustainable world
By 2050, 70% of the world's population will live in cities. That is why the Belgian development agency (Enabel) is working in its partner countries towards inclusive and sustainable cities that are harmoniously integrated into the surrounding countryside.
Team Belgium at work for SDG 4
Team Belgium - the Belgian embassy and the Belgian organisations VVOB and Enabel - was at the helm of the Education Development Partners group, an education platform in Uganda, for a year, in Covid-19 times. Skills, teacher training and digitalisation were top priorities.
Equal rights for LGBTIQ people, an ongoing battle
In Belgium, it is a top priority to combat all forms of discrimination, including anti-LGBTI discrimination.
Lifting people out of extreme poverty? It is possible!
To lift the most vulnerable people out of their misery, it takes more than just providing them with resources and broadening their knowledge. Good self-esteem and belonging to solidary communities are crucial as well. Auto-Développement Afrique successfully applies this holistic approach in Rwanda and Burundi.
Gender equality is central to Belgian foreign policy
Gender equality and women's rights are an absolute priority in Belgian domestic and foreign policy.
Inequality puts enormous pressure on man and the planet
The COVID-19 pandemic has come to highlight the disrupted relationship between humans and the planet. This is why we need to work with nature, not against it, as a matter of urgency, according to the 30th Human Development Report (HDR). The inordinate inequality must also be addressed. The HDR also proposes a new development index that factors in the pressure on the planet. The Belgian Development Co-operation welcomes the report.
Congo: knowledge of history gives confidence and insight
With the support of the Belgian Development Cooperation, the Bokundoli project promotes a better knowledge of Congolese history in the DR Congo. After all, knowledge of the past leads to tolerance and a critical mind, helping us to better understand the present challenges.
Violence against women must be eliminated
Combatting violence against women is an absolute priority in Belgium's domestic and foreign policy.
Undiminished focus on children's rights
Children's rights are a spearhead of Belgium's domestic and foreign policy.
Documentary ‘Besmet’ (Infected) on Canvas: more than 100 years of research for global health
The Institute of Tropical Medicine is conducting groundbreaking research to optimise international healthcare. Take a look behind the scenes in a four-part documentary called ‘Besmet’ on Canvas from 30 November 2020 and on VRT NU. More topical than ever during this COVID-19 pandemic.
World Food Day 2020: Together for a world without hunger
Today, 690 million people are starving, 60 million more than in 2014. The COVID-19 pandemic makes the situation even more grim. On World Food Day 2020, the FAO is therefore calling for international solidarity to eradicate hunger. Belgium is joining in.
Victims of sexual assault deserve better
The consequences of sexual assault are severe. This was why the Belgian Development Agency (Enabel) in the Congo introduced a holistic approach to taking care of victims. This involves medical and psychological monitoring as well as legal aid and re-integration into society.
EU: fair, healthy, environmentally friendly and affordable food for everyone
With its “Farm to Fork” strategy, the European Commission has outlined a comprehensive plan for a resilient food system that respects the planet's limits.
Children and colonisation: 'We're lucky to be born now'
"Sporen van de kolonisatie" (Traces of Colonisation), a workshop organised by Studio Globo, opens children’s eyes to Belgium’s colonisation of Congo, but also to racism in today’s society. In an Antwerp classroom marked by diversity, took part in one of the workshops.
She Decides: she decides and that's how it should be!
The She Decides initiative brings together countries and organisations who are working hard so that aid organisations in developing countries can carry on their work in the area of family planning and women's rights. The initiative aims to mobilise funds via a crowdfunding platform. How and why did this fledgling movement see the light of day?
Tropical diseases for beginners
Tropical diseases cover all diseases that occur exclusively or primarily in the (sub)tropics. In practice, the term usually refers to infectious diseases that thrive in a warm and humid climate. Developing countries are particularly susceptible to them. Highlighted presents the 15 most common tropical diseases below.
How to cope with the growing global population
Today, there are more than 7 billion people on earth. Every day, the world’s population increases by 227,000 people, and the end of this growth is not in sight. What can we do to limit population growth and keep the earth livable?
Climate, biodiversity, desertification, forests, oceans, and so on are topical themes that are a priority of the Belgian foreign policy.-
COP16 biodiversity: remarkable results and re-examination for funding
The COP16 on biodiversity has been able to present some notable outcomes, such as the closer involvement of indigenous peoples and regulation to ensure the fair use of genetic resources. Due to lack of time and quorum, however, no agreement was reached on mobilising the necessary resources. We are now looking ahead to a subsequent conference in Rome on 25 February 2025 to clear all of those issues up.
COP29: climate funding on which all can agree
The primary aim of the World Climate Summit being held in Baku, Azerbaijan – from 11 to 22 November 2024 – is to reach agreement on the subject of climate funding for developing countries. Opinions on that topic are highly polarised, however. That is why Belgium and the EU are maintaining open discussions with all parties in order to break through the deadlock.
EU puts full weight behind UN agreement on protecting marine biodiversity
In the context of the Belgian EU Presidency, a colleague from our FPS chaired the EU Working Party on the Law of the Sea (COMAR). And with success! Belgium secured an important agreement at the European level that will speed up the entry into force of the UN Agreement for the protection of the ocean.
COP28: 'historic consensus is just the beginning of the road' – 12 QUESTIONS
In 12 questions, we will take you behind the scenes of a pretty successful climate summit in Dubai.
Children have their climate summit too!
UNICEF Belgium organised the first-ever national Children's Climate Summit. Because the climate crisis is just as much a children's rights crisis and children have the right to have their say. 'We are the residents of tomorrow and we want some inspiring heads of state.'
COP28: every fraction of a degree counts!
The climate summit in the United Arab Emirates (30 November to 12 December 2023) will revolve primarily around the Global Stocktake: an inventory of where we stand in our efforts to combat climate disruption. This needs to form the basis for a thorough course correction. We asked Ulrik Lenaerts (FPS Foreign Affairs), deputy head of the Belgian climate delegation, to explain more.
Belgium helps build a climate-robust Sahel
Belgium is investing 50 million euros over 5 years to make the population more resilient and to combat desertification in 4 countries in the Sahel region. By doing this, our country is helping to build the Great Green Wall. An up-to-date account.
Minister Gennez in Mozambique – because the climate crisis knows no bounds
In June 2023, the Belgian Minister for Development Cooperation Caroline Gennez travelled to Mozambique to launch a new cooperation programme. In consultation with the Government of Mozambique, it will be entirely devoted to the fight against climate disruption. Belgium is set to focus on a broad spectrum of actions in that country.
Ostend North Sea Summit lays foundation for world's largest green power plant
In the Ostend Declaration, nine European countries commit to making the North Sea the largest green energy power plant in the world. Target: 120 GW of offshore wind capacity by 2030 and at least 300 GW by 2050. Belgium will play a key role.
Water – a global and holistic approach is needed
A water conference organised by the Belgian Development Cooperation should provide the impetus to make water a central theme. Without water, there can be no life!
First crucial step for the UN Agreement that can protect biodiversity on the high seas
On 4 March 2023, the UN settled on an agreement enabling the protection of biodiversity in the high seas. Our FPS took an active part in the negotiations.
Belgium funds biodiversity conference in the Congo Basin
For many years, Belgium has supported countries such as DR Congo in the implementation of their obligations that arise from the UN Convention on Biological Diversity as well as in biodiversity research. Preliminary highlight: a major, lively conference in Kisangani, in the heart of the Congo Basin.
Belgium helps decide on the seabed's fate - 11 QUESTIONS
Seabed mining is the subject of hot debate. Given that Belgium is a member of the Council of the International Seabed Authority in 2023, our country can play an active role in the drafting of a legal framework for the mining of mineral resources on the seabed in international waters. Find out all there is to know through 11 questions.
Protecting mangroves secures future of fishermen
The Belgian NGO, Louvain Coopération, is replanting vanished mangroves in Madagascar. These tidal forests play a crucial role in maintaining fish stocks and protecting coastlines. They also store massive amounts of carbon.
An unexpectedly ambitious UN biodiversity framework
Protect 30% of all land and oceans by 2030 and $700 billion a year for biodiversity. The new UN biodiversity framework can be called a success. We had a conversation with Annemie Van der Avort (FPS Foreign Affairs), a member of the dedicated Belgian biodiversity delegation.
Sahel youth at COP27: "We are the future and the future rests on our shoulders"
At the invitation of Belgium, 8 young people from Senegal, Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali were able to participate in the recent climate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh. Afterwards, they spoke with elation about this particularly instructive experience.
COP27: An African climate summit with an African angle
The 27th climate summit (COP27) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, 6-18 November 2022, will primarily focus on the laments of poorer countries.
Africa: cutting corruption and environmental crime to protect nature
Products such as ivory, bushmeat and tropical timber continue to be traded illegally. Moreover, it often involves corruption. Belgium is trying to remedy it.
Harmful fisheries subsidies are curbed
In June 2022, the World Trade Organization (WTO) reached a partial agreement to end harmful fisheries subsidies, a successful initiative to which our FPS also contributed.
Floriade Expo 2022: get inspiration for the green city of the future
In Almere (the Netherlands), you can find tons of inspiration from all over the world for a sustainable, green future. Belgium is also putting its greenest foot forward. This will run until 9 October 2022.
Land restoration, more than desperately needed
From 9 to 20 May, Ivory Coast is set to host the 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (COP15). Land restoration is crucial to the future of humanity, a message Belgium wants to highlight.
Ridding the world of plastic pollution
A legally binding, ambitious treaty must be concluded by 2024 in order to address plastic pollution. This was the resolution made by the international community in Nairobi in March 2022. The Belgian delegation helped push for a far-reaching agreement.
BIO wants renewable energy for all
The Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries has a long tradition of investing in renewable energy. In 2022, this amounts to 55 million euros – more than a quarter of its budget.
Belgium's climate finance: significant results, but not enough to meet climate challenges
The Special Evaluation Office has conducted a thorough review of Belgian climate finance. Belgium's success is significant, however, the impact of climate actions does not match the climate challenges. This is mainly because the main players lack a common vision. For this reason, the government will clarify the priorities for climate measures and give more guidance and resources to the players involved.
Belgium wants more climate ambition worldwide
Belgium is increasing its climate funding for poorer countries. It is also urging the development banks to stop supporting coal and go full steam ahead with renewable energy.
Will the Glasgow climate summit be a turning point for humanity?
Climate disruption is showing up closer and closer to home. After COP26 in Glasgow (1-12 November 2021), can humanity make a radical move towards a climate-neutral society by 2050? We asked Ulrik Lenaerts (FPS Foreign Affairs), the number 2 of the Belgian climate delegation, for an explanation.
Biodiversity, a matter of survival
The much-needed UN Biodiversity Conference has been postponed to April-May 2022. Nevertheless, our country will continue to press hard for an ambitious biodiversity policy within the EU and the UN. We asked from the Belgian biodiversity delegation to explain the situation: Ines Verleye (FPS Environment, head) and Annemie Van der Avort (FPS Foreign Affairs, member).
Belgium helps build the Great Green Wall
Belgium has made a commitment to the 'Great Green Wall': an ambitious initiative aimed at restoring 100 million hectares of land in the Sahel, creating green jobs for the inhabitants and improve food security.
The Great Green Wall: a wall that unites
Under the ‘Great Green Wall’ initiative, 20 million hectares of land have so far been restored. The 11 Sahel countries involved, along with the UN, want this ‘miracle in the making’ to be finished by 2030. That means that, every year, 8.2 million hectares of land must be restored at a total cost of possibly 4.3 billion dollars. Belgium is doing its bit.
Belgium, on its way towards a circular economy
Belgium ranks among the top 10 largest contributors of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the leading global environmental authority. The UN organization wrote an article on how Belgium is committed to a truly circular economy. We present it here in its entirety.
12 tips for combatting climate change
The EU is demonstrating its climate ambitions with its Green Deal. But the Deal can only succeed if everyone takes part. That's why we're suggesting a few tips to help individual citizens do their bit.
What happens with your CO2 compensation?
What exactly happens with the money you pay to compensate your CO2 emissions? Here’s what research tells us. BIO, Enabel and the FPS Foreign Affairs are already making efforts to limit their CO2 emissions as much as possible and then compensate the remaining emissions.
Deforestation down to your daily shopping
Coffee, chocolate, beef, chocolate spread, biscuits, soap and furniture. Each of these items may be the cause of deforestation in their countries of origin. How can consumers prevent this “imported deforestation” as much as possible?
EU: Biodiversity deserves a boost
The European Commission has developed a bold EU biodiversity strategy, which is an integral part of its Green Deal. ‘Making nature healthy is key to our physical and mental well-being, and is an ally in the fight against climate disruption and disease outbreaks,’ said Commission chairman Ursula von der Leyen.
Tropical forests gradually store less carbon
Tropical forests are gradually losing their capacity to store carbon. If no timely action is taken, they could even start emitting carbon by 2035. This is demonstrated by a large-scale study in which the AfricaMuseum played a leading role.
Virunga: jobs protecting forests
The majestic Virunga park (DR Congo) is one of our planet’s treasures, but its rich nature is threatened by logging, fishing, poaching and armed groups. Only jobs and more jobs can provide a solution. Belgian Emmanuel de Merode intends to create 100,000 of them.
Why biodiversity is important
Find out why biodiversity is vital to humanity and the planet.
François-Xavier de Donnea: ‘The forests of the Congo Basin are threatened’
The forests of the Congo Basin are rich in natural resources. However, they are threatened by high population growth and corruption. The Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) is working to preserve them. We met François-Xavier de Donnea, Facilitator of the Partnership, to find out more.
12 reasons why forests are important
Forests may not often be at the forefront of our minds, but they surely are of inestimable value. In fact they are crucial to be able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We list 12 reasons why they are so important.
14 tips to prevent plastic pollution
Plastic threatens life on land and in the oceans. How can you make sure that much less or no plastic ends up in the environment? We give you 14 tips.
Everything you have always wanted to know about renewable energy in Africa
In order to combat climate change, the transition to renewable energy needs to be stepped up. What stage has been reached in Africa? We asked Pépin Tchouate Heteu, an expert in sustainable energy in Africa.
6 dangers threatening our oceans
Our impact on our planet is shockingly big. Even the oceans strain under our relentless activities. A brief overview gives an idea what the consequences are for Earth's flora and fauna, and ultimately what the consequences are for ourselves. Conclusion: high time to change course!
Here you will find themes related to production and trade: agriculture, private sector, inclusive and sustainable growth, fair trade, innovation, migration, etcetera.-
Economic mission to Brazil yields 39 agreements
From 22 November to 1 December 2024, Princess Astrid led a Belgian economic mission to Brazil. Ports, aviation, renewable energy, infrastructure, healthcare and gaming, but also pears and chocolate: it was all on the agenda. And for a moment, the iconic statue of Christ over Rio de Janeiro shone in the colours of the Belgian flag, courtesy of Belgian cutting-edge technology.
Doing business in and with Ukraine
Do you want to contribute to the reconstruction of Ukraine as a company? Our Office of the Special Envoy for Ukraine has some tips for you.
Trade for Development Centre: a regional Fair Trade Day in Côte d'Ivoire
In September 2024, RICE – an Ivorian fair trade network – organised the first-ever regional Fair Trade Day in Côte d'Ivoire. Producers were able to learn a lot there, including about the impact of the EU Deforestation Regulation. The Trade for Development Centre supported the event.
Norway: a land of nature and energy
A trade mission to Norway (from 16 to 19 June 2024) focused on green energy transition, circular economy and life sciences. Our absolutely delicious strawberries and the strengths of Belgium's equestrian sports sector were also given pride of place. In total, the mission led to the signing of 18 contracts.
'Her Initiative' transforms the lives of young women in Tanzania
On 27 June 2024, the Tanzanian NGO Her Initiative was awarded the KBF Africa Prize by King Philippe and Queen Mathilde. Through economic empowerment and digital literacy, the NGO has helped thousands of women become financially independent. And that is vitally important in a country where more than half of young women live in poverty and suffer from low self-esteem.
Belgium and international space policy
Did you know that our FPS has an active presence at the various international forums where space policy is determined? This is how we keep an overview and pick up on issues where the space nation of Belgium can add value.
Decent work deserves more attention
Decent work is one of the three priority themes of the Belgian Development Cooperation. The Special Evaluation Office uncovered areas for improvement that development players can work on to devote more attention to decent work.
How can we make cocoa farming truly sustainable?
Beyond Chocolate aims to make all Belgian chocolate sustainable by 2030. The focus is on guaranteeing a living income for small-scale cocoa farmers. Because without adequate remuneration, growers will have no choice but to continue cutting down forests and putting their children to work. But how can we put the pieces of the puzzle together to achieve a living income?
Beyond Chocolate: Cacao farmers should also be able to be happy
INTERVIEW - If we want our chocolate to give our customers a moment of happiness, can we afford to let the cocoa farmers live in misery? Philippe de Selliers - chairman of the Beyond Chocolate steering committee and CEO of Leonidas - clearly doesn't think so. We talked with him about Beyond Chocolate, the initiative to make Belgian chocolate sustainable.
Cocoa cooperative Yeyasso responds to major trends
Belgium contributed remarkably to the success of Yeyasso, a cocoa and coffee cooperative in the Ivory Coast. Today, it produces 6,000 tonnes of cocoa on more than 9,500 hectares. In addition, it is committed to organic and fair trade production, forest agriculture and the elimination of child labour. Yeyasso also wants to obtain carbon credits.
The fifth World Cocoa Conference in Brussels: the tastiest congress in the world!
In April, Belgium will host the fifth World Cocoa Conference. Its main theme: paying a fair price to cocoa farmers so that they can grow cocoa as sustainably as possible. With Beyond Chocolate, our country is already showing the way.
VENKO: Belgian chocolate with Senegalese flavours
Belgian-Congolese chef Danuta Nganko - economic advisor to our FPS - is a successful artisan chocolate maker in Senegal. Her ambition is to combine delicious Belgian chocolate with local, often forgotten ingredients. She told us her story.
EcoEnterprises Fund: green impact investor led by women
BIO, the Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries, is supporting an impact fund that aims to create thriving communities in flourishing nature in Latin American and the Caribbean.
Why we won't abandon China
During a successful visit to China, Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib met President Xi Jinping, among others. Economic and political dialogue was resumed and the first steps were taken towards a more balanced trade relationship. After all, although China is a competitor and rival in some areas, it also remains an indispensable partner.
Why economic missions are more important than ever
The economic mission to Australia led by Princess Astrid (from 23 to 27 October 2023) provided much-needed contacts and contracts for Belgium in its role as an exporting country. Robust trade relations are more important than ever for our country.
Kampani provides patient growth capital to cooperatives and small farms
The social investment fund Kampani serves the missing link: relatively small-scale farms or cooperatives whose needs exceed the limits of microfinance but which are too small to secure investment from mainstream impact investors. A grant from our FPS has enabled Kampani to reduce investment risks and attract more investors.
Thiaba Camara Sy: bridging figure between Senegalese and Belgian companies
Thiaba Camara Sy is an advisor in economic diplomacy for Belgium in Senegal. Amongst other things, she played a crucial role in the organisation of the successful princely economic mission in May this year. Discover her story.
Finexpo: a boost for Belgian companies' exports
Did you know that our FPS supports Belgian companies to discover new markets abroad, mainly in developing countries? Meet Finexpo.
Economic mission to Senegal – a land of increasing opportunity
From 21 to 25 May 2023, a princely economic mission travelled to Senegal. The West African country offers many opportunities, not only with its huge growth market and its dynamic young people, but also as a gateway to Africa.
Giving young Palestinians a future
Thanks to the Belgian Development Agency Enabel, young people in Palestinian Territories can take training courses that prepare them for the job market or to start up their own business.
BIO: a paragon of impact finance
INTERVIEW - Impact finance, the Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries (BIO) has been committed to it for years. But what exactly is it and why is it so important? We put some questions to CEO Luuk Zonneveld.
Belgium rewards female entrepreneurship in Africa and the Middle East
On 26 January 2023, 4 young female entrepreneurs received the Awa Prize from the hands of H.R.H. Mathilde and Minister for Development Cooperation Gennez. With the award, Belgium is aiming to encourage more women to become entrepreneurs and make those around them aware of the added value of this entrepreneurship.
Economic mission to Japan: stronger together in pursuit of a green and digital transition
The princely economic mission to Japan (5 to 9 December 2022) not only generated numerous economic and academic opportunities, but it also firmly cemented the bonds of friendship that exist between the two countries.
The 3 laureates of D4D 2022
Giving farmers access to essential information, leveraging citizen science in the fight against schistosomiasis and enabling a more rapid response to natural disasters. These are the laureates of the 2022 Digital for Development (D4D) awards.
Mette Laursen: "The Belgian Embassy has become my second home"
Our country employs over 114 ‘Advisors in Economic Diplomacy’ abroad. They are pretty much our eyes and ears when it comes to identifying economic and other opportunities in other countries. Denmark's Mette Laursen explains how she fulfils her role as an advisor.
Only sustainable food systems can eliminate hunger
The war in Ukraine did not cause the current food crisis, but has certainly exacerbated it. In addition to humanitarian aid for urgent needs, Belgium is particularly committed to the transition to sustainable and resilient food systems that pursue economic vitality, a healthy environment, human health, and equality.
Menstruation should become a source of pride
With Belgian support, Rwandan company Kosmotive produces eco-friendly, affordable sanitary pads. Because all too many women continue to suffer from period poverty.
75 years of diplomatic relations with India marked by economic relations
Shortly after independence in 1947, Belgium established diplomatic relations with India. Today, we are important economic partners with an emphasis on high-tech innovations. This 75th anniversary should provide an additional incentive to make even better use of our complementarity.
Belgium is committed to a living income
Belgium joins the Netherlands and Germany in signing the joint declaration on living wage and living income. Only when smallholders also achieve a living income can we address major challenges such as poverty, climate change and child labour.
UK remains good neighbour even after Brexit
Belgium is strengthening ties with the United Kingdom, a loyal ally for centuries. High point to date: a successful economic mission in May 2022.
100 years of diplomatic relations with Hungary
In 2022, Belgium and Hungary celebrate 100 years of diplomatic relations. A great opportunity to strengthen our bonds of friendship without shying away from disagreements.
Sustainable architecture lays the groundwork for green and social future
In Rwanda and Burundi, the Belgian Development Agency (Enabel) is focusing on sustainable architecture: circular economy in practice.
The Gulf Region is on the Rise
The Belgian royal couple recently paid an official visit to Oman and the United Arab Emirates. Why the focus on the Gulf region? The increasing economic opportunities certainly have something to do with it.
Belgium turns migration into a positive story
Provided the right approach is taken, migration can be a lever for sustainable development. The Belgian Development Cooperation has developed a strategy for it.
Improved social security in Senegal and Burkina Faso
The Minister of Development Cooperation and Major Cities Policy, Meryame Kitir, visited the 'national health insurance fund for craftspeople' in Dakar (Senegal) in October 2021. This mutual fund was recently launched as part of an ILO programme that aims to improve social security in Senegal and Burkina Faso with Belgian support.
Belgium turns its gaze seaward
Belgium wants to raise its profile as a maritime nation; after all, the blue economy will be essential for the green future we need so badly.
Expo 2020 Dubai: Marvels of technology and sustainability in the desert
With a striking, elegant pavilion, our country is making quite an impression at the World Expo in Dubai. Numerous Belgian companies can make interesting contacts here, and the FPS Foreign Affairs is also making its contribution to the success of the Belgium's participation.
Belgium strives for a world free of child labour
With the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, the international community is highlighting a pressing issue. Belgium too is making efforts to address the problem.
Trading nation of Belgium cannot get by without economic diplomacy
In Belgium, the regions are mainly responsible for trade. Yet the FPS Foreign Affairs also has several crucial tasks, summarised as the 4 “I’s” of economic diplomacy: informing, introducing, intervening and image. What does that involve?
How migration can contribute to development and equality
Migration is a timeless issue. The Belgian development agency (Enabel) is working to make migration a catalyst for development that benefits everyone.
Belgium & Spain: a century of cordial relations
In 1921, the diplomatic missions of Spain and Belgium in Brussels and Madrid, respectively, were elevated to embassies. For all this time, both countries have maintained a warm relationship, which they intend to continue into the future.
Transparent supply chains? It pays off!
Rikolto (formerly Vredeseilanden) draws upon lessons from 15 years of working on sustainable, transparent supply chains with Colruyt Group. In the hope that it will inspire other companies and NGOs to take up the challenge as well.
Fair trade, more important than you think
During the Fair Trade Week (7 to 17 October), fair trade will once again be in the spotlight. After all, fair trade is a crucial instrument for a fair and sustainable world that ultimately benefits everyone.
Marketing coaching paramount to fairtrade cocoa
The Trade for Development Centre (TDC) successfully coaches African cocoa farmers to improve their market access. As a result, sales figures have almost doubled.
The world is committed to eradicating child labour
All 187 member countries of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) have ratified the ILO Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labour.
25.3 million euros investments for Africa and Asia
Thanks to the SDG Frontier Fund, Belgian private investors can confidently invest in Africa and Asia. Their input is more than necessary if we want to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Can Belgian chocolate become completely sustainable?
Beyond Chocolate aims to put an end to the extreme poverty, child labour and deforestation that lies behind our chocolate. Today, 50% of Belgian chocolate is already certified.
Minerals with full transparency?
Many materials are located in fragile countries and benefit the population too little. This is why the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) has been trying to make the money flows in the mining sector more transparent, as well as more valuable for the population, since 2003. Belgium is supporting the initiative.
Doing business in Africa: more fascinating than ever!
What is it like doing business in Africa? Bruno Geltmeyer, Managing Director of Denys NV, a specialist in major infrastructure works, talks about his experiences and gives a few tips to boot.
Healthy plants concern all of us!
In 2020, the international community puts the spotlight on plant health, as healthy plants form the basis of our food, our oxygen, a thriving nature and a large part of our economy.
How to shop ethically
We all love to score a bargain once in a while. However, knowing that this makes us complicit in unfair working conditions and air pollution quickly spoils our enjoyment. Yet more sustainable and ethical fashion is possible. We offer you some tips on how to complete your wardrobe without having to feel guilty.
10 tips for ethical and eco-friendly clothing
The fashion industry is known as one of the most polluting industries. Moreover, the labour conditions for textile workers leave much to be desired. Yet, there exists another kind of fashion and you can support it. We show you how to do so in 10 simple tips.
Peace & security
Peace and security are a priority of the Belgian foreign policy: peace building and international mediation, UN Security Council, humanitarian aid, good governance, etcetera.-
Belgium supports Ukraine
Belgium resolutely supports Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. Since the full-scale Russian invasion in February 2022, Belgium has provided 2.2 billion euros of military and civilian support to Ukraine. This includes the following.
New momentum for B-FAST after 20 years of service
For two decades, the Belgian First Aid and Support Team (B-FAST) has delivered critical assistance in disaster-stricken regions across the globe. To address today’s complex and challenging realities, insights from past experiences have been integrated into a renewed vision.
A world free of chemical weapons? It's possible!
From May 2024 to May 2026, Belgium is a member of the Executive Council of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), a crucial organisation that works to eliminate chemical weapons. Today, 98% of the world's population is already protected.
Comprehensive approach offers peace and a future to cattle breeders in Uganda
After four long years of ethnic conflict in north-eastern Uganda, the population there is gradually recovering. Veterinarians Without Borders made a major contribution to recovery there through a comprehensive approach: humanitarian aid, peace dialogues, repair of water pumps, vaccination of livestock and so on.
BBC Media Action: empowered citizens in a welcoming society
BBC Media Action produces radio shows in Tanzania around good governance, climate adaptation and gender equality. Citizens are encouraged to express their views while the government learns what matters to the public, and local radio improves its editing and production skills. With the support of Belgium.
Election observations act as a lever for democratic governance
Our FPS regularly sends election observers to countries that request them. What exactly do they do? And did you know that foreign election observers will also be present during the European elections in Belgium on 9 June?
Belgian citizens meet to reflect on AI
As part of the Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU, our Federal Public Service organised a citizens' panel on artificial intelligence, which is a promising but risky technology. A total of 60 citizens developed a vision that will inspire the European Commission and the Belgian government and inform their policies. Citizen participation of the highest order!
European Humanitarian Forum: how can we address the high humanitarian needs?
The Belgian EU presidency hosted the third edition of the European Humanitarian Forum, where the financial shortfall for humanitarian aid and the forgotten crises were the two main issues. As a loyal and flexible donor, our country led by example.
NATO is 75 years old – 8 QUESTIONS
NATO is celebrating its 75th anniversary amidst a tense situation. Russia's invasion of Ukraine in particular has reshaped geopolitical relations. In eight questions, we explore recent developments within the political-military alliance.
UNCAC: 20 years of UN action against corruption
Corruption deprives societies of both livelihoods and hope. The UN has therefore been making efforts to tackle corruption for 20 years now. And with undeniable success, although certain forms of corruption stubbornly persist. Within the UN, Belgium primarily focuses on corruption and environmental crimes.
New technologies for identifying and tracing weapons
Weapons and ammunition can be used in a wide variety of situations, including wars, terrorism and criminal activities. In order to detect their abuses they must be identified and their route traced. Technology and artificial intelligence can be very useful here as shown by the Tech 4 Tracing (T4T) NGO, supported by the FPS Foreign Affairs.
3D approach is to make Niger a more stable country
On 1 June 2023, Minister of Development Cooperation Caroline Gennez was in Niger to launch a pilot project there using the 3D approach. Development cooperation, diplomacy and defence are joining forces there. This should improve living conditions and restore the population's trust in its government.
Historic convention allows for more efficient investigation and prosecution of the most serious international crimes
A new multilateral convention will create a framework for mutual legal assistance and extradition and is intended to enable countries to prosecute genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and other international crimes much more efficiently. Belgium played a pioneering role in its creation.
B-FAST's field hospital in Türkiye: a retrospective
In barely 10 days, the Belgian emergency intervention team B-FAST – coordinated by the FPS Foreign Affairs – succeeded in setting up a fully operational field hospital in Türkiye. A retrospective.
Our embassy in Kyiv: working in a country at war
Since July 2022, Belgium has again an embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine. What are the duties and what is it like to work in a country at war? We had a conversation with Ambassador Peter Van De Velde.
Minister Lahbib on a peace mission to the eastern Congo
While visiting Angola and the DR Congo, Foreign Minister Lahbib called for the immediate cessation of violence in the eastern Congo. She supports the proposal that an EU observer mission should closely monitor the elections in the Congo this December.
EU Civil Protection Mechanism: platform for effective emergency response worldwide
The EU Civil Protection Mechanism allows the EU to efficiently provide assistance in case of need in the EU and beyond. Belgium invoked the mechanism for the severe floods in 2021. Through B-FAST, our country provides emergency aid to foreign countries.
Belgium at the helm of the OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation
From September to December 2022, Belgium will chair the OSCE's Forum for Security Co-operation. Our country aims to re-energise the forum while keeping Ukraine high on the agenda.
Verification of nuclear disarmament is priority for Belgium
In June 2022, Belgium hosted a meeting of the International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification, a clear signal of our commitment to a world without nuclear weapons.
Elman Peace in Somalia: peace is so much more than weapons falling silent
Somali NGO Elman Peace was awarded the KBF Africa Prize on 16 June 2022 for their relentless efforts to bring peace to their war-torn country. Their broad approach is also being taught in other African countries.
OSCE: a unique forum for dialogue and joint action
From September to December 2022, Belgium will chair the Forum for Security Co-operation, a key body of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). In this factsheet you will discover what the OSCE does and the ways it contributes to peace.
A strategic compass for a secure Europe
On 21 March 2022, the EU Member States approved a Strategic Compass that outlines plans for a more ambitious Europe in the areas of defence and security. Belgium is satisfied with the outcome.
A strategy to make Belgium more resilient
Belgium now has a comprehensive ‘National Security Strategy’ for the first time. That should make our country more resilient against the numerous threats posed by a more unstable world.
Belgium fully committed to efforts in the Sahel region
INTERVIEW - Belgium wants to become more involved in the Sahel, a region that is facing countless challenges. Bart De Groof, the recently appointed Special Envoy for the Sahel Region, must steer everything in the right direction. We put a few questions to him.
Belgium steps into the breach to achieve a mine-free world
Belgium is making great efforts to eradicate the horror of anti-personnel mines. Nevertheless, a mine-free world is not something that can be achieved overnight. The good thing is that innovations such as the use of drones and trained rats can speed up the process.
Strong commitment to peaceful uses of nuclear expertise
With a plenary session in the Egmont Palace (Brussels) in June 2021, Belgium successfully concluded its Presidency of the Nuclear Suppliers Group. Because even in challenging coronavirus times, the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons deserves our undiminished attention.
A record year for humanitarian aid
Every day, humanitarian aid workers are on hand to help millions of people around the world. Belgium, for its part, is doing a great deal to support humanitarian aid. To mark World Humanitarian Day on 19 August, we take a look at what exactly we do and why.
NATO: an alliance that is crucial for our security
On 14 June 2021, the heads of state of the NATO countries will meet in person in Brussels. US President Biden will also be in attendance. What is NATO's role on today's world stage? We spoke with Pascal Heyman, Belgian Permanent Representative to NATO.
Proper arms control in Chad and Mauritania
Proper storage of small arms is essential in order to boost security in Chad and Mauritania. Belgium is supporting two initiatives of the Mines Advisory Group.
Belgium is a strong advocate for a lasting solution to the conflict in Syria
The EU's 5th Syria Conference (29-30 March 2021) aims to raise funds and encourage a political solution to a now 10-year-long horrific conflict. Belgium is an active participant, donating at least 18 million euros in humanitarian aid.
Belgium on the UN Security Council: how a small country can punch above its weight
Belgium has just finished its 6th membership of the UN Security Council and it is already preparing for a 7th mandate in 2037-2038. Indeed, in the United Nations' 75 years of existence, our country has built up a solid reputation as a reliable 'bridge-builder', and that has benefits for our security and prosperity.
African Peace Facility: African solutions to African problems
Between 2004 and 2019, the European Union (EU) invested 2.7 billion euros in promoting peace in Africa via its African Peace Facility (APF). And those efforts are paying off.
Belgium is committed to security to support development
Development is not possible without security. This is why the Belgian Development Co-operation is also engaging with the security sector. It now has a solid basis for carrying out this sometimes delicate exercise.
Climate and security, a clear priority for Belgium
Climate disruption plays an undeniable role in various conflict situations. As such, Belgium wants the United Nations to systematically take into account the potential impact of a changing climate in its security actions.
457 000 euros for vulnerable households in Haiti
Belgium has released 457 000 euros to the FAO to help vulnerable populations in Haiti affected by a severe drought.
Belgium supports the fight against locusts in East Africa
Belgium is donating 462,000 euros to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) to combat quickly a locust plague in Ethiopia. The CERF is also taking action against locusts.
Belgium continues to pay attention to the Syrian crisis
For many years, Belgium has been committed to the safety of Syrian citizens and the end of the Syrian conflict. As a non-permanent member of the Security Council, our country’s voice can carry additional weight with the international community.
When are diamonds truly conflict-free?
Thanks to the Kimberley Process, most of the rough diamonds traded worldwide are reportedly conflict-free today. But there is still room for improvement. Belgium - diamond country par excellence - insists that an enlargement of the definition of conflict diamonds is necessary to keep the organization fit for purpose.
Children and armed conflict: a priority for Belgium
During its two-year membership (2019-2020) of the UN Security Council, Belgium attaches great importance to ‘children and armed conflict'. The theme also occupies a central position during the Belgian presidency of the Security Council (February 2020).
Behind the scenes at the Security Council
Belgium is halfway through its two-year term as a member of the UN Security Council. What exactly does our country do there?
Rats save lives
APOPO uses rats for detecting landmines and tuberculosis. A success story with Belgian roots.
10 facts about migration you did not know yet
Although migration is high on the agenda nowadays, a great deal of uncertainty remains. Find out more about this important topic below!
Drones to ensure safer demining
Through Handicap International, Belgium has invested 1.48 million euros in Chad to deploy drones for mine clearance operations and to train local staff.
How does the international community deal with conflicts?
In February 2017, Belgium organised a high-level congress on mediation. Belgian expert Jonas Claes was one of the speakers. He talked about the methods that are used to avoid conflicts, and build lasting peace.
International cooperation is needed more than ever: UN, EU, World Bank, NGOs, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), etcetera.-
Junior Expert: invaluable experience in international cooperation
INTERVIEW – The Junior Programme offers young people the opportunity to gain professional experience in a partner country of the Belgian Development Cooperation. Dounia El Akrami was able to participate in a project on entrepreneurship in Rabat, Morocco. She recounts her experiences.
France: more than just Burgundians
The state visit to France (from 14 to 16 October 2024) has strengthened ties with our neighbour to the south. High-level political contacts took place in a cordial atmosphere and much attention was paid to defence, industrial policy and the energy transition.
Pact of the Future proves political will to restore confidence in multilateralism
The UN Summit of the Future led to the adoption of a Pact of the Future that lays down a firm foundation on which to bring the workings of the UN institutions into line with the needs of our time. The text may not be as groundbreaking as initially expected, but it is still an important step in renewing confidence in multilateralism.
JPO: a unique opportunity to gain field experience with a UN organisation
INTERVIEW – Through Belgian funding, the Junior Professional Officer (JPO) programme offers young Belgians the opportunity to gain experience with a UN organisation. Camille Balfroid was one of the lucky ones. For three years, she worked as a JPO at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Mali and Benin. She told us about her experiences.
The United Nations General Assembly in 8 questions
The United Nations General Assembly is taking place each year. What exactly will happen there? What is our country's interest? And what role will our FPS play? We will set it out for you.
Summit of the Future seeks to guide the future of global governance
Today's UN institutions – as well as other international bodies – no longer reflect the balance of power in a changing, multipolar world. Therefore, they are in need of thorough reform. Moreover, it is high time to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Could the UN's Summit of the Future in September 2024 act as a catalyst for this change?
The Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU – Retrospective in FIVE QUESTIONS
After six months, we were able to successfully conclude the Belgian presidency on 30 June 2024. Let us look back with a retrospective in five questions.
How does EU legislation come about?
The Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU – one of the EU's crucial legislative institutions – is drawing to a close. So let's just recap: how exactly does EU legislation come about and what role does the Council play in that process?
Belgium aims to raise the quality of international institutions
In 2024, Belgium is chairing MOPAN, a network of 22 OECD countries aiming to strengthen the performance of international institutions. This is more and more relevant in times of increasing polarisation and plummeting confidence in the multilateral system.
Belgium's presidency of Benelux Union: even more benefits for citizens and businesses
Belgium holds the presidency of the Benelux Union in 2024. To guide its initiatives, our country is choosing to strengthen its relationship with the European Union. Starting this year, a Benelux Day on 5 September will put the spotlight on the actions of the Benelux.
Why Germany is so important to Belgium
Our most populous neighbouring country is a crucial political, cultural and economic partner for Belgium. But we also have a great deal to offer Germany. Just think about the green and digital transition. A state visit (5-7 December 2023) highlighted some deep-rooted historical and trade relations.
Belgium at the helm of the Council of the European Union
From 1 January to the end of June 2024, Belgium will assume the presidency of the Council of the European Union. Our country will seize that opportunity with both hands to build a unified and robust Europe for the benefit of us all. A look ahead.
Third EU-CELAC summit: EU and Latin America and the Caribbean strengthen ties – 10 QUESTIONS
'We not only need to trade together, we need to thrive together,' committee chair Ursula von der Leyen said in her opening speech. At one stroke, that was the successful outline of the third EU-CELAC summit that took place in Brussels on 17 and 18 July 2023. A retrospective in 10 questions.
10 reasons why we engage in development cooperation
The great challenges we face – climate, migration, security, health, etc. – we can only meet them if we cooperate with other countries. Development cooperation is therefore an investment in well-being for us all. Find out below why international solidarity is so important, necessary and useful.
The 78th session of the UN General Assembly – 10 QUESTIONS
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will take centre stage at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2023. What exactly will happen there? What is our country's interest? And what role will our FPS play? We will set it out for you.
Incoming Netherlands state visit: working more closely together makes us both stronger
The incoming state visit by the Dutch royal couple to Belgium in June 2023 set the stage for even closer collaboration between the two countries. Prominent themes included renewable energy, sustainable mobility, innovation and security. Our FPS played an important role.
12th Gaïchel Summit – Belgium and Luxembourg consolidate long-term friendship
On 29 March 2023, the Belgium-Luxembourg Gaïchel Government Summit convened for the 12th time and this formed an ideal opportunity to reaffirm the close ties between the two countries and to launch new collaborations.
State visit to South Africa: a tribute to the struggle against apartheid and a commitment to sustainable development
Belgium's first-ever state visit to South Africa, in March 2023, highlighted our shared values and the topic of sustainable development. The struggle against apartheid and for freedom was also honoured.
SOLVIT: the shortest way to solve your problem with EU rights
FPS Foreign Affairs' SOLVIT Centre is on hand every day to solve your problems with EU rights as quickly as possible.
Sustainable mining in Central Africa is possible
By helping to train master's degree and PhD students Geology, the AfricaMuseum is helping to ensure that the development of the mining industry in Central Africa takes place in a sustainable way.
State visit to Lithuania: from military cooperation to green and digital transition
From 24 to 26 October 2022, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde visited Lithuania on an official state visit, the leitmotif of which was: 'Solidarity rooted in the past, cooperation resolutely focused on the future'. For now, the two countries are mainly working together militarily, but there is also potential to achieve an expanded relationship that also encompasses economic (green and digital transition), cultural and academic collaboration.
Belgium and DR Congo: working together for the future
The visit by His Majesty King Philippe and Her Majesty Queen Mathilde to the Democratic Republic of Congo in June 2022 has been the subject of much commentary in the Belgian press. But what makes the visit so significant? We put some questions to Stéphane Doppagne, Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region of the FPS Foreign Affairs.
Suspending the servicing of 78.9 million euros' worth of debts
From the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, Belgium advocated a suspension of debt repayments by the least developed countries. As a member of the Paris Club, our country therefore immediately joined the Debt Service Suspension Initiative of the World Bank and the IMF.
EU: Erasmus+ fosters European and world citizenship
Geneviève Cochez, Erasmus+ coordinator at Ghent University, knows better than anyone: Erasmus+ has fundamentally improved programmes at European universities. Internationalisation is now essential.
EU-AU summit: two unions, one vision
In Brussels, the European and African Union developed a hopeful plan for the future that should bring prosperity and stability to both continents. Mutual respect is at the heart of the renewed partnership.
EU: more democracy in practice
Geography teacher Rafik Kiouah talks about his participation in a Belgian citizens' panel on a more democratic EU as part of the Conference on the Future of Europe. ‘I'm now even more positive about the EU.’
The EU joins forces for external action
The European Union is combining various funding channels into a single instrument: Global Europe. The simplification will give the EU more clout to build a more peaceful, stable and just world.
EU: better waste management protects Lake Tanganyika
De EU wil het Tanganyikameer (Centraal-Afrika) helpen beschermen als bron van water, voedsel en inkomsten. Didier Cadelli, coördinator van het project voor Enabel, en Bahati Rhamadhani, afvalophaler, getuigen.
Carlo Di Antonio (Dour): a library of the future with EU support
With European money, Mayor Carlo Di Antonio is building a library of the future in Dour, including a center for remote working. The fully passive learning center will also be a showpiece that demonstrates what is possible in terms of energy efficiency.
H.M.Q. Mathilde: ‘The SDGs must be put at the top of the global agenda’
Interview - The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) form a roadmap towards a better world in 2030. There are just under 10 years left to achieve the goals. What progress have we made? We put this question to Her Majesty the Queen of Belgium, UN SDG Advocate.
Wouter Torfs: ‘EU makes it easier to do business’
Wouter Torfs – CEO of the eponymous chain of shoe stores – prefers to pay in euros rather than pesetas. He is also extremely satisfied that he no longer needs an agency to handle his customs formalities. Thanks to the EU.
Niger, a country in dire need of our solidarity
After 50 years of development co-operation in Niger, our country has achieved some results it can be proud of. But the security situation is compelling the Belgian Development Cooperation to join forces with diplomacy and defence teams.
A network of diplomats and officials abroad
Did you know that the Egmont Institute in Brussels organises training courses for foreign diplomats and officials? As such, it contributes to better governance abroad. At the same time, it creates an important network of contacts, which FPS Foreign Affairs makes grateful use of.
EU: biodiversity and climate, natural allies
Thanks to the European network Natura 2000, 24% of EU territory is now protected, while human activity, such as agriculture and forestry, may continue subject to certain conditions. Extremely important, believes Gwenn Dodeur, in charge of Natura 2000 at the Walloon Natagriwal.
Brussels as an international capital city – an asset to our country
Too few people realise the major role that Brussels plays on the world stage. Nonetheless, its character as an international capital city is of great importance for our prosperity. Here are a few figures.
The European Union – how does it benefit us?
On 9 May 2021, the EU will officially launch a ‘Conference on the Future of Europe’. The aim of the conference: to listen to the voices of citizens in order to build a more resilient Europe. This therefore forms an ideal opportunity to list exactly what the EU means for us as citizens.
Why we need the Benelux
Belgium will chair the Benelux Union in 2021. What does the Benelux Union do for our country? And what is its added value compared to the European Union?
Services abroad
Highlighted brings you news about our consular services abroad.-
Travelling abroad? Here's what you need to know
Increasing numbers of Belgian citizens are choosing to live or travel abroad. Below is an overview of important points to consider when travelling as well as the services that our embassies and consulates can provide.
Honorary consul Alain Sobol in Sharm el-Sheikh: the point of contact for Belgian tourists
During the high season, some 500 Belgian citizens arrive weekly in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. If they run into trouble – losing a passport or ID, getting into an accident... – they can always turn to Belgian honorary consul Alain Sobol, who is also the CEO of a local diving school. He tells us his story.
What happens with your passport application?
What exactly happens between the time you apply for a passport from your municipality or consular post and the time of collection? In order to prevent fraud, each application passes through 2 databases at our FPS for a thorough check.
11 tips for when you travel
The peak travel season is here again. Let us offer you a few tips to help you sail through.
2024 elections: for Belgians abroad too!
Belgians abroad are also required to vote in the European and federal elections. We recommend that you register in good time!
The mobile kit celebrates its 10th birthday
Do you know about mobile kits? They are a "portable office" that consuls or their employees take with them to meet Belgians who live a long way from a diplomatic and/or consular post and need a new passport or identity card. We have covered this topic before, but today, mobile kits are celebrating their tenth birthday. And for their pioneers, it feels almost as if it were yesterday.
When the administration bends over backwards to help its citizens
Some Belgians abroad have to travel hundreds or even thousands of kilometres to apply for a passport or identity card at a consulate. The solution? With a mobile kit, the consular staff can go to them.
Field status report from the Ukrainian border
Immediately after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, our posts in Bucharest, Warsaw and Vienna sent their personnel to the Ukrainian border to assist Belgian refugees. A field status report from Košice (Slovakia).
A more secure passport full of comic book heroes
The brand new Belgian passport is even more secure than the previous one. And best of all, it is illustrated throughout with comic book characters, from Lucky Luke, Nero and Tintin, to the Smurfs, Marsupilami and Spirou. But good to know: the price will not change!
Identity card for children under 12 years of age (Kids-ID)
Parents can request a Kids-ID for their Belgian children under 12 who live abroad and are registered at a consulate.
Identity card for Belgians residing abroad
Belgian embassies and professional consulates issue an electronic identity card (eID) to Belgians over the age of 12 who are registered with them.
Consulates, too, benefit from digital civil registry; From Napoleon's quill to the 21st century
For more than two years, our municipalities and consulates have been able to consult the Database of Civil Status Records (DABS). A convenience for the citizen and the civil servant alike.
eConsul, the new e-portal for Belgians abroad
Thanks to eConsul, you can handle part of the consular service provision digitally. No more need for long journeys.
Consular services abroad: an overview
You are a Belgian living or travelling abroad. What consular services can you turn to?
How many Belgians are living abroad?
Almost half a million Belgians live beyond our borders. At least, this is the number of registered Belgians that Foreign Affairs has sight of.
Our organisation
Discover the latest news on our department.-
Greening our embassies is a top priority
Sustainability plays a crucial role in all 350 of our buildings abroad, including during renovations, new-build projects or maintenance. Recently, we even managed to make the entire compound of our embassy in Nairobi climate neutral.
New class of Belgian trainee diplomats is named after Martha Tenzer
A new class of diplomatic trainees recently began their training. For the first time, there are more women than men, leading the group to choose the name Martha Tenzer, after one of the pioneers of Belgian women in diplomacy.
Alert employees the key to cybersecurity
October was once again cybermonth at our FPS. With an awareness campaign, we are getting our employees on board when it comes to working 'cyber-safe'. And did you know that compared to our European colleagues, our FPS is among the strongest in terms of cyber security?
All the heads of post gather in Brussels
As is the annual custom – except in coronavirus times – it was once again time for all the heads of post to gather at headquarters this year. The ideal opportunity to renew contact with the homeland and catch up on points of interest in Belgian foreign policy.
Art & diplomacy, a close duo
From Rubens to Hergé, it is impossible to imagine our society without art. But did you know that it also has unprecedented importance within our foreign policy? At first glance, art and diplomacy appear to be two different worlds, but in fact they are closely related.
Corps diplomatique: a fascinating insight into Belgian diplomacy
From 20 to 25 July 2020 Canvas will once again broadcast Corps Diplomatique, with one additional broadcast about Mali. Journalist Bart Aerts follows Belgian top diplomats in key positions all over the world.
Our embassies in action
What does an embassy or consulate do? Take a look behind the scenes here.-
Why is the Holy See so important to our country?
Did you know that Belgium already has an embassy to what was then called the "Papal States" since 1832? Even today our embassy to the Holy See has a surprisingly important role to play within our diplomatic network. Discover why.
Sixty years of migration agreements with Türkiye and Morocco
In 1964 – 60 years ago – Belgium concluded migration agreements with Türkiye and Morocco. Since then, the Turkish and Moroccan communities have made an indispensable contribution to our country. To commemorate the event, our Consulate General in Istanbul organised a music festival featuring Belgian Turks, including Hadise, who have achieved fame in Türkiye. Our embassy in the Moroccan capital Rabat also supported a variety of events.
Olympic and Paralympic Games 2024: no significant incidents thanks to excellent preparation
With tens of thousands of Belgian supporters descending on France for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, our colleagues in our neighbouring country had to be prepared for anything, including high numbers of requests for assistance and a potential serious crisis. Fortunately, everything went off without any significant incidents.
Addis Ababa: conversations for greater mutual understanding
The Belgian embassy has launched 'geopolitical conversations' in Addis Ababa, the diplomatic capital of Africa. The aim is to foster more empathy and understanding between diverse nationalities, through open debate. This is vital in a turbulent world which is searching for a new geopolitical balance.
Exhibition in Kyiv presents Ukraine’s shared past with Belgium and Western Europe
Did you know that around the year 1900 there were over 20,000 Belgians living in the Donbas, known as our '10th province' at the time? They were there to start up industrialisation, together with other Western European countries. This region of Ukraine - currently occupied by Russia - therefore does not have purely Russian origins. An exhibition and documentary have put this forgotten shared past in the spotlight. Our embassy in Kyiv co-financed and published a book on the story back in 2009.
Thessaloniki: How kids are smurfing about climate thanks to the Smurfs
The Children's Museum in Thessaloniki (Greece) has created an exhibition on climate change using the Smurfs and our embassy in Athens also played its part in the exhibition's success.
The Congolese rumba: symbol of unity, joy and cultural expression
During a ministerial visit (9–10 April 2024) to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, our embassy in Kinshasa organised a Congolese rumba evening. Did you know that this spirited musical style has been recognised by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and that the Congolese diaspora in Belgium played an important role in spreading it across Europe?
Puratos promo event in Kuala Lumpur: taking a photo with the Belgian ambassador
In Malaysia, Belgian chocolate is a well-known and sought-after product. The Belgian Puratos organises regular trainings and promo events there. The presence of the Belgian ambassador gives such an event an additional touch of prestige.
The Belgian EU presidency also concerns Türkiye
Did you know that many of our embassies – and not only the European ones – are organising some special activities to highlight the Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU? So is our embassy in Ankara, the capital of Türkiye. The programme includes a visit to the region hit by a massive earthquake last year.
Short film brings Belgian solidarity after coup in Chile to life
In a moving and hopeful short film, Chilean refugees testify as to how they found refuge in the residence of the Belgian embassy after the 1973 coup. Belgium was then one of the most inclusive European countries.
Open Monument Day at the Belgian residence in Dublin
During Open House Dublin in October 2023, the residence of the Belgian Ambassador threw open its doors. Some 200 curious Irish people learned about the beautiful hidden gem, and at the same time they learned more about Belgium.
Tribute to Ferdinand Verbiest, friend of the Chinese emperor
Did you know that a West Fleming made it to court astronomer and personal tutor to the Chinese emperor in the 17th century? We are talking about Ferdinand Verbiest, who was born in Pittem 400 years ago. An ideal opportunity for our embassy in Beijing to highlight this important Belgian as a symbol of friendship and exchange between China and Europe.
Belgium supports media freedom in Jordan
Our embassy in Amman, Jordan, actively participated in a conference that examined the future of traditional media in a region where media freedom is increasingly restricted. Notable attendees were Belgian journalists Florence Hainaut and Guylaine Germain.
Our embassy in Nairobi is to become climate neutral
Work has begun to make the entire compound for our embassy in Nairobi climate neutral – a first! With solar panels, water recycling, kitchen waste fermentation and much more besides. Our embassy also supported compatriot Jean-Pascal van Ypersele's campaign to head up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The African Union: forging strong, personal relationships with Africa
The 60-year-old African Union (AU) – based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital – has developed an ambitious Agenda 2063. What exactly does it do and what role does Belgium play at the AU? We asked Stefaan Thijs, permanent representative to the AU.
Corona crisis
Our FPS is committed to alleviating the suffering caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: testimonies, relief efforts, background, etcetera.-
A hub for more vaccination equality
The World Health Organization (WHO) has decided to install an mRNA tech transfer hub in South Africa. That hub is independently working on a new generation of mRNA vaccines whose technology it will share with manufacturers from Africa and beyond. Belgium is backing the WHO initiative all the way. Development Cooperation Minister Meryame Kitir visited the hub along with WHO Director General Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus.
No-one is safe until everyone is safe
What is Belgium doing to support poorer countries in their fight against COVID-19 and against possible future pandemics? Find out here.
2.5 million euros for COVID-19 emergency aid
Belgium is supporting SFERA, an emergency fund from the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), to intervene quickly in countries where COVID-19 is threatening food security.
Virtual SDG summit: urgent action needed in times of COVID-19
At a fully virtual SDG summit, enthusiasm remained for achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), even after the severe blow of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there is still a lack of consensus on what the post-coronavirus society should look like.
The post-corona society needs to be more inclusive, sustainable and resilient
The Belgian Development Cooperation intends to do everything it can to mitigate the socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in its partner countries. In so doing, it aims to focus more on women's rights, social protection, ecological reconstruction, education and food security, among other things.
Robust health systems to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic
Belgium aims to assist vulnerable countries in containing the COVID-19 pandemic. That is why our country is committed to robust health systems, without losing sight of the impact of gender, environment, nutrition, sanitary facilities and social protection.
Increasing food security in COVID-19-struck Zimbabwe
Belgium is donating €355,000 to support 3,272 vulnerable households in Zimbabwe.
Preventing hunger in COVID-19-struck Haiti
Belgium is donating €476,000 to help 1,800 vulnerable families in Haiti.
Addressing the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable households in Sierra Leone
Belgium is donating €355,000 to support 2,000 vulnerable farming families in Sierra Leone.
4 questions about One Health
The current pandemic has demonstrated overwhelmingly that human health is inseparable from our living environment. This is why the “One Health” approach is gaining in importance. But what exactly does that mean?
Belgium tackles the coronavirus crisis
Belgium is making strenuous efforts in many areas to combat the coronavirus crisis and deal with its consequences, both at home and across the globe. A non-exhaustive overview.
How do you repatriate 11,266 Belgian citizens?
Due to the coronavirus crisis, thousands of Belgians were all of a sudden stranded abroad. Three months later, the FPS Foreign Affairs can look back on the repatriations with satisfaction.
Mali: Food security increased in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
Belgium has donated 250,000 dollars to improve the food security of 1,270 vulnerable Malian families.
How our post in Rabat faced a crisis of unprecedented proportions
At the end of March, the world froze. States decided, among other measures, to close their borders to prevent the uncontrolled spread of the coronavirus. Many Belgians were caught off guard all over the world. Our diplomatic posts were suddenly beset by repatriation requests, especially those in Morocco, where a lot of people were located when the lockdown happened. Marc Trenteseau, Belgian ambassador in Rabat, discusses the management of this unprecedented crisis.
Yoga and meditation in quarantine
In early March, Maryline Delvallée headed for India to attend a course with her Albanian boyfriend Vigjilent Rrapaj. A few days later they were placed in quarantine. Fortunately, she could count on the support of the Belgian consulate-general to get her home safely. Maryline shares her story.
Team Europe: EU brings its full weight to bear on corona
With Team Europe, the European Union aims to combine all its external actions to help partners overcome the coronavirus crisis.
Stuck in Cape Verde: an adventure with a shine
On 11 March, Toon Nicolai and his wife Hilde Verlinden left for São Vicente, one of the Cape Verde islands. What was supposed to be a 3-week stay, turned out to be 8 weeks due to the corona crisis. He tells the story of his stay and the repatriation to Belgium.
“We had to make the Belgians feel they were not in this alone”
In South India, there were dozens of Belgians who needed to return home in a country in lockdown. How did the Belgian consulate-general in Chennai help them do so? Dhivviaa Ramakrishnan – a consular affairs and economic diplomacy officer – and intern Shruthi George tell their story.
“Guiding Belgians personally at the airport, that's satisfying”
Because of the corona crisis, our embassies suddenly had all hands on deck: many national airspaces were closed, while thousands of Belgians abroad still needed to return home. How did our embassies get them home? Thomas Hiergens, political and economic advisor at the embassy in Dakar, tells his story.
Enabel is pulling out all the stops in the battle against COVID-19
The Belgian Development Agency Enabel is adjusting its running health programmes in order to provide the best support for the partner countries during the corona crisis.
Our embassies put their best foot forward
Belgian embassies are confronted with the major impact of the corona crisis in the countries in which they are located. This is why they are setting up relief operations.
“We need to get the virus under control in Africa, too”
Belgium is planning to use its development cooperation and humanitarian aid to fight the Covid-19 pandemic in its partner countries. 'Because if we are unable to keep the virus under control in Africa, it could also have repercussions for us', explains Minister for Development Cooperation Alexander De Croo.
Corona and the like: where do they come from?
Where do pathogens such as the new coronavirus come from? And why do they develop so easily into pandemics? We decided to find out.
Corona crisis: Consortium 12-12 launches call for solidarity with the South
Under the name COVID 12-12, Consortium 12-12 launches a call for solidarity with countries in the South that are also affected by the corona crisis.