Services and structure

The central board of the FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation consists of six Directorates-General and six Staff Directorates and Directorates.

Directorate of Security (SV)

The "Directorate of Security" (SV) reports directly to the Chairman of the Executive Committee and is responsible for the security policy of the FPS, the objectives of which are the protection of 1) Belgian citizens abroad; 2) FPS personnel and infrastructure in Brussels and abroad; 3) the confidentiality of information. The Directorate is also an important interface with Belgian security actors (VSSE, Defence including ADIV, NCCN, CUTA, etc.) and coordinates the contribution of FPS within the National Security Council. It works in a coordinated manner and in close cooperation with all FPS directorates and services involved in the same missions.
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SV0 - Coordination Cell and Secretariat

The cell is responsible for the transversal coordination of security files within our department. It supports the VDC in the area of security policy and interdepartmental cooperation, in relation to security, and ensures the coordination of the dossiers discussed in the National Security Council policy chain. 


SV1 - Crisis prevention and management-BFAST (formerly S1.1)

The SV1 service is responsible for the preparation and management of crisis situations (travel advisories, contingency planning including crisis files). Moreover, the secretariat of B-Fast is still located within SV1. In case of a crisis, the crisis centre is opened and activated.


SV2 - Physical Security (formerly S1.2)

SV2 is responsible for physical security policies for personnel and buildings, both overseas and within the FPS.


SV3 - Information security (formerly S1.4)

Service SV3 is responsible for the information security policy, and in particular, through the Security Officer for the processing of requests in the domain of security clearances and security verifications; the homologation of classified systems; the organisation of sensitisation programmes regarding the handling of classified information, and handling of security incidents about the classified information.