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SV0 - Coordination Cell and Secretariat
The cell is responsible for the transversal coordination of security files within our department. It supports the VDC in the area of security policy and interdepartmental cooperation, in relation to security, and ensures the coordination of the dossiers discussed in the National Security Council policy chain.
SV1 - Crisis prevention and management - B-FAST (formerly S1.1)
The SV1 service is responsible for the preparation and management of crisis situations (travel advisories, contingency planning including crisis files). Moreover, the secretariat of B-Fast is still located within SV1. In case of a crisis, the crisis centre is opened and activated.
SV2 - Physical Security (formerly S1.2)
SV2 is responsible for physical security policies for personnel and buildings, both overseas and within the FPS.
SV3 - Security Officers Office - security of classified information
The SV3 department is responsible for information security policy, essentially classified information, areas, and communications tools (law of 11.12.98). The two security officers (one for each linguistic role) ensure that the security rules concerning classified information are properly applied within the FPS, in compliance with the legal obligations and standards in force and in compliance with the NSA (National Security Authority) directives.
The department processes requests and acts as a single point of contact for security clearances and verifications. It also acts as the administrative authority for international institutions on Belgian territory requesting security checks.
It provides advice on topics within its remit and is responsible for coordinating with the services responsible for approving classified spaces and communication systems.
SV3 also deals with security incidents relating to classified information. SV3 is also responsible for managing the Secure Communication Centre (SCC), a secure area where classified communication systems are stored and where a permanent guard is kept (24/7). The SCC receives classified information for the whole of the SPF, and offers the possibility of exchanging information with other partners via the same channels.